1 peter 3:19 greek

But mark, "To whom it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to us they did minister the things which are now reported to you in virtue of the Holy Ghost sent from heaven. A click on the Greek will lead you to the corresponding article in Abarim Publications's online Biblical Greek Dictionary 1 Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; likewise adverb the def art nom-pl-fem What, then, is Peter's advice in such a case? Though but newly brought out, it was in point of fact the oldest of all purposes. Here Peter has certain things to say about this Christian defence. The point is this--as the Jews saw it, only the priests had the right of close access to God. 6. She that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and Marcus my son. The epistle to the Hebrews of all the Pauline epistles is that which most approaches the testimony of Peter, and coalescing in it to a large extent. Another MS., written about A. D. 1370, is the same as the printed copy. 1 Peter 4. The like figure whereunto [even] baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him. The plural "spirits" describes human beings only one other place in the New Testament (Hebrews 12:23), but it describes evil spirit beings frequently (Matthew 10:1; Mark 1:27; Mark 3:11; Mark 5:13; Mark 6:7: Luke 4:36; Luke 6:18; Acts 5:16; Revelation 16:13; et al.). This alone restores the balance; and thus we are taken out of all conceit of our own stability. And so it's a word that has lost its meaning through the years when this translation was made. Without that question and answer the contract was not valid. but it would Cato the Censor insisted on simplicity; Lucius Valerius answered: "Why should men grudge women their ornaments and their dress? The hearers. Let it be observed here that ministry is distinguished from speaking. The root of all is that people are occupied about themselves first, instead of leaning on the Lord. The specification in the next verse determines this. (i) He must be understanding. It is God's flock; and if a person is charged of the Lord to shepherd His flock, how blessed the trust! It is granted that there is a sanctification in scripture which bears on practice. What the Word of God is speaking in I Peter 3:19 is not about dead people but about spirits, angelic beings that are in a prison, in the Tartarus, bound in everlasting chains under darkness. (c) It is argued that Christ preached only to those who had been righteous and that he led them out of Hades into the paradise of God. And I am persuaded that a hardness of character, quite intolerable to men of spiritual minds, would inevitably be generated by making all our food to consist in what could be extracted from Ephesians and Colossians, the effect of which would soon become painfully sensible to others. prison, and were saved; though these are manifestly distinguished But at all cost God's will must be done; "by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." So as Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, I don't need that anyone should write letters of commendation for me because you are my living epistles known and read of all men.Our lifestyle testifies to what we believe. We must first note what he does not advise. "[31] Herodotus often used such expressions as "he spoke, saying," or "he speaking, said," and we have the same kind of an expression in "he went and preached." For in Christianity, it removes any kind of barriers that exists between people. And then he takes up what is distinctly spiritual power, which should be used not in charity only but with conscience before God, and for His glory through our Lord Jesus. But there is discipline also. Far better is it, then, to be "kept by the power of God through faith." In this case, those actually addressed had belonged to that elect people, but now they were chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father. It is a capital offense to convert a Moslem. From Philippi to Thessalonica Now note the shift back to the third person, which seems to signify that Luke stayed behind in Philippi to minister to the Church there. let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him turn away from evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and pursue it. The word for "to bring" is prosagein ( G4317) . "For for this cause was the gospel preached to the dead also, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit." In the word of God, then, we find that the accomplishment of the prophecy supposes an earthly place, with visible power and glory given to the Jewish people. Start your free trial today! But as the obscurity of this passage has produced, as usual, various explanations, I shall first disprove what has been brought forward by some, and secondly, we shall seek its genuine and true meaning. "He," it is said of Christ, "gave them gifts, to each man according to his several ability." American Standard Version. Spirit; nor is there any such place as here feigned, in which the Having a good conscience; that, whereas they may speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good behavior in Christ ( 1 Peter 3:16 ). It is argued that what this means is that it was in the time of Noah himself that Christ did this preaching; that in the Spirit long ages before this he made his appeal to the wicked men of Noah's day. The appearing of Jesus is exclusively when the Lord will make Himself visible, and be seen by every eye. others, to the eight souls that were shut up in the ark, as in a *In fact but one uncial (Cod. Suffering is the way in which power in practice is found against the flesh; so that "he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God." [Note: E.g., Bigg, p. Various forms of pregnant and brachylogical construction (Winer s Grammar, 66, 2; (less fully, Buttmann, 327 (282)); Bernhardy (1829), p. 348f): etc. Keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behaviour in Christ may be put to shame. He tells them that strifes and divisions are fleshly things, marks that they are living on purely human standards, without the mind of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 3:3). The copy from which this translation was taken evidently read conclusi erdnt, with one of the MSS. At the same time the general principles of God are in nowise enfeebled by Christianity, but rather strengthened and cleared immensely. The Christian ethic never grants a privilege without a corresponding obligation. It is not a description of all that died in unbelief, but of a generation favoured with a special testimony and smitten by a particular stroke of judgment. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, NT Letters: 1 Peter 3:19 In which he also went and preached (1 Pet. So far was their believing in Christ from taking them out of the people, it is then alone that they became, a people. Understanding and considerateness had forged an unbreakable bond. Others, as the Papists, imagine the sense to be, that Christ, at his death, went in his human soul, into a place they call "Limbus Patrum", which they suppose is meant by the prison here, and delivered the souls of the Old Testament saints and patriarchs from thence, and carried them with him to heaven; but this sense is also false, because, as before observed, not the human soul of Christ, but his divine nature, is designed by the Spirit; nor is there any such place as here feigned, in which the souls of Old Testament saints were, before the death of Christ; for they were in peace and rest, in the kingdom of heaven, in Abraham's bosom, inheriting the promises, and not in a prison; besides, the text says not one word of the delivering of these spirits out of prison, only of Christ's preaching to them: add to all this, and which Beza, with others, observes, the apostle speaks of such as had been disobedient, and unbelievers; a character which will not agree with righteous men, and prophets, and patriarchs, under the former dispensation: others think the words are to be understood of Christ's going to preach, by his apostles, to the Gentiles, as in Ephesians 2:17 who were in a most miserable condition, strangers to the covenants of promise, and destitute of the hope of salvation, and sat in darkness, and the shadow of death, and, as it were, at the gates of hell; were in the bonds of iniquity, and dead in sin, and had been for long time past foolish and disobedient, serving divers lusts and pleasures, to which they were in bondage. But in the destruction by the flood eight people--Noah and his wife, his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives--were brought to safety in the ark. An idea similar to the one here expressed may be found in 2 Peter 2:4, though the word prison does not there occur: God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and in Jude 1:6, And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains, under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day. The allusion, in the passage before us, is undoubtedly to confinement or imprisonment in the invisible world; and perhaps to those who are reserved there with reference to some future arrangement - for this idea enters commonly into the use of the word prison. It is not merely the work effected, but salvation revealed; and hence it necessarily awaits the revelation of Jesus Christ. It never places all the responsibility on one side. All that is needful is to identify them as the same persons who once had this prospect. In between the Old and New Testaments many legends sprang up about Enoch and famous and important books were written under his name. Again we have an exhortation to the elders (1 Peter 5:1-14). saints, who were (en The purpose of the cross is to put away our sin, which had separated us from God. Such unity will only come when Christians are humble and bold enough to lay hold on the unity already given in Christ and to take it more seriously than their own self-importance and sin, and to make of these deep differences of doctrine, which originate in our imperfect understanding of the Gospel and which we dare not belittle, not an excuse for letting go of one another or staying apart, but rather an incentive for a more earnest seeking in fellowship together to hear and obey the voice of Christ." He really experienced death, and rose again. It is when we are at one with each other that we are at one with him. Now practical holiness follows our being sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ, whereas the sanctification of the Spirit of which Peter here treats precedes it. Being sanctified of the Spirit, we are called to obey as Christ obeyed. Gods saving of Noah and his family by means of the ark illustrates the salvation of believers. It was inevitable that one marriage partner might be won for Christ, while the other remained untouched by the appeal of the gospel; and such a situation inevitably had difficulties. 1 Peter 3:19 in all English translations. ungodly", ( 2 Peter 2:5 ) and Another view is that the people to whom Jesus preached were those alive after Pentecost and in bondage to Satan and sin. In Ephesians chapter four, Paul tells us that "He who has ascended is the same one who first of all descended into the lower parts of the earth. And the woman is always fishing for the affirmation of this. You are the strong one, give her that strength. (iii) Third, Peter sets brotherly love. They, like the fallen angels, were then "spirits in prison." In this passage Peter has three great things to say about baptism. But you need never be afraid of trusting God or His word. He alone was competent to suffer for sin. It so happens that in the Greek version of the Old Testament the regular phrase for a sin-offering is peri ( G4012) hamartias ( G266) (Hamartias, G266, is the singular of hamartion, G266) , as, for instance, in Leviticus 5:7 and Leviticus 6:30. As all know, many things were allowed then for the hardness of the heart, which are thoroughly condemned now. After the one, and before the other, the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven is the power of Christian blessedness, and as we know also of the church, no less than of preaching the gospel everywhere. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. By this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" ( John 13:34-35). sometimes signify a watch, yet more commonly a prison, and which It does not seem to be of such prime importance that much need be said. Its full meaning is met by the interpretation that Christ once preached to the spirits then in prison, to wit, in the days of Noah; that is, that he caused a divine message to be borne to them. Let this be enough. There may have been a judgment, but this is not the judgment. whereas real service of the saints is as precious in its place as any speaking can be. In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. Here in Christianity emerged the revolutionary principle that women had equal spiritual rights and with that the relationship between the sexes was changed. What is the reason for it? But and if you suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled ( 1 Peter 3:13-14 ); He's moving into a new section in which he is going to be talking about suffering, and for the most part suffering wrongfully, suffering for righteousness' sake. Was the message brought to them while in prison, or at some previous period? A more probable explanation is that these "spirits" were the unbelievers who disobeyed God in Noahs day by rejecting his preaching. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, a meek and a quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is very valuable ( 1 Peter 3:4 ). "In which" refers back to the spiritual sphere of life in which Jesus Christ now lives (1 Peter 3:18). Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; He went and preached unto the spirits in prison.--There are two main ways of interpreting this mysterious passage. Next we have the trial that the saints were passing through alluded to, and the call to suffer not for righteousness merely but for Christ's sake. They will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. Here it is a pain to be obliged once more to make a depreciatory remark on our common English version. I mean, I was ready to tear him apart. For the eyes of the Lord [are] over the righteous, and his ears [are open] unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord [is] against them that do evil. Why even your dog has a will; and I am sure you have a will yourselves. but it will be difficult to show, that men, in the present state Men may be wooed into the Christian faith when they cannot be bullied into it. At first sight, perhaps, these words may be startling to some, that is, to such as think that the sense of "salvation" is weakened thereby. Thus we would expect that evil angels are in view, but does what Peter said about them confirm this identification? The unbelievers who heard Christs preaching did not obey in the days of Noah (1 Peter 3:20) and are now suffering judgment (they are spirits in prison, v. 19). And Matthew's gospel chapter twenty-seven tells us that the graves of many of the saints were open and they were seen walking in the streets of Jerusalem after His resurrection from the dead. We must leave room for all truth. What is he talking about? branch of it, his prophetic office, before he appeared in human Indeed such difficulties serve to show where people are. The blood of Jesus Christ, however precious and indispensable, does not of itself constitute a man a Christian either in intelligence or in fact of standing. All this time they are not a people; they are dependent on the will of their Gentile masters. Maybe some of you have some ideas you can share with me.Having devoted six verses to the wives, he now devotes one to the husband. And we are all one, heirs together of the grace of God. This is to speak "as oracles of God." Then he begins his exhortations, and first of all with the personal snares of every day, with what the Christian had to contend with in himself. In regard to the inquiry, then, who these spirits were, there can be no difference of opinion. Because we are men, there come physical suffering, death, sorrow, distress of mind and weariness and pain of body. I admit that what is in the Bible requires faith; and this is as it should be. Jesus said, "Blessed are ye," and the word "blessed" is happy; "when men persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Angelicus Romanus) of the ninth century with many cursives warrants the omission; but , A, B, C, K, more than fifty cursives, and all the versions but the Arabic of the Parisian Polyglott support the words. And I was greeting couple of young men first time they were here, and they were telling me how much they enjoyed the service. It is good that we should feel that it is unbelief, and that unbelief can produce nothing but death. And this "prison" must not be understood (with Bp. All rights reserved worldwide. There is a wider and, if possible, a deeper thought than the measure of our walk, which, after all, differs in all the children of God, no two being exactly the same, and all of us depending on self-judgment as well as growth in the knowledge of the Lord and of His grace. (3.) We take it, then, to mean that, directly Christ's human spirit was disengaged from the body, He gave proof of the new powers of purely spiritual action thus acquired by going off to the place, or state, in which other disembodied spirits were (who would have been incapable of receiving direct impressions from Him had He not Himself been in the purely spiritual condition), and conveyed to them certain tidings: He "preached" unto them. (Men ( G3303) and de ( G1161) are what are called particles; they are not translated but merely mark the contrast between, sarki, G4561, and pneumati, G4151) . Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This is founded on the very principle of Christianity itself; that is, doing good, suffering for it, and taking it patiently. Slippers were encrusted with them; Nero even had a room whose walls were covered with them. Bengel speaks of "the labour bestowed on dress which consumes much time." Supposing God only gave the believer according to his own thoughts (often meagre); supposing one believed in the power of the precious blood of Jesus ever so truly, and had nothing more than this our real portion by the Spirit, such an one, I maintain, would be a sorry Christian indeed. In Greek civilization the duty of the woman was "to remain indoors and to be obedient to her husband." If you yield to nature, you gratify it; but if you suffer in refusing its wishes, then "he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin." It was the sign of a good woman that she must see as little, hear as little and ask as little as possible. I can't believe that; you're saved by believing in Jesus Christ. To "the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." They think they have an understanding of scripture, and that they may therefore speak to profit; but it is a totally different thing if one desire only to speak as God's mouthpiece, though it is granted that one may here as elsewhere mistake and fail. If they are fallen angels, Peter may have meant that after Jesus Christ arose He announced to them that their doom was now sure. There may be unpopularity, persecution, sacrifice for principle and the deliberate choosing of the difficult way, the necessary discipline and toil of the Christian life. disobedient ones, are here spoken of; and though it is only said In the ancient world chivalry to women was well-nigh unknown. On the other hand, as here, when salvation simply and fully is meant, we are thrown on the revelation of the last time. There is no allusion in this passage to any other; there is no intimation that to any others of those in prison the message here referred to had been delivered. I mean, here's a --here's a kid, you know, high in LSD telling me, Peace, brother. If you suffer for evil doing, you've got it coming. Gave Him to shed His blood? The first impulse of a converted man is to do the will of God. But this interpretation cannot stand; it is indeed inconsistent with the words of the passage, for Peter ascribes salvation only to the family of Noah, and gives over to ruin all who were not within the ark. Divisions, whether disagreements between individual members or the existence of factions and parties and--how much more!--our present-day denominations, constitute a calling in question of the Gospel itself and a sign that those who are involved are carnal. Roman matrons were prohibited from drinking wine, and Egnatius beat his wife to death when he found her doing so. But then they are "his congregation;" they think so, and the godly man really believes it. "We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. sense of the words is, that Christ, by his Spirit, by which he It is only a theologian who finds a difficulty. He's giving you just one so you can't forget. What a place for the Christian! Finally a warning is given as to the importance of suffering according to God's will, committing meanwhile their souls in well-doing to Him as a faithful Creator. While this is in full and evident contrast with Judaism, it needs little proof that it is precisely what gives scope for the proper display of Christianity, which could not be seen in its true light if at all till Jesus left the world. He went - To wit, in the days of Noah. A very important development follows in the next verses. . She was entirely subject to her husband and completely at his mercy. 1Peter 3:14 But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. She's needing this assurance and she fishes for this assurance because she needs the security of knowing that she's loved. Before God we bow down in praise and adoration; before the world we are conscious of the glory grace has given us. That only creates, you know, that only builds and let's you read, you know --there's so many nuts on the highway today. Hence there is no reason to fear that it will not flow to us. If we saw a company of men in prison who had seen better days - a multitude now drunken, and debased, and poor, and riotous - it would not be improper to say that the prospect of wealth and honor was once held out to this ragged and wretched multitude. The suffering of Christ was for us; and the mystery is that he who deserved no suffering bore that suffering for us who deserved to suffer. And here it is well to observe, as an important fact to be recognised, that salvation in Peter's epistle looks onward to the future, where it is not otherwise qualified. Why did Peter mention Noah? There is no force in that argument, the Christian can reply; for, when the flood came, only a few were saved after all, as is shown by the first book of Moses, their own indisputably inspired history. This is just the difference between the Christian and the Jew. Through him we have boldness and access and confidence to come to God ( Ephesians 3:12). (3) The Descent Into Hell ( 1 Peter 3:18 b-20;4:6 Continued). It is, therefore, better first of all to read it as a whole and then to study it in its various sections. call "Limbus Patrum", which they suppose is meant by the prison Christ, upon his death, went in his human soul to hell; either, However this may have been, it is of all importance for the Christian that he should be established in the place of patient submission; as we see Paul elsewhere taking especial pains to insist that the Christians in Rome should obey, even where they had to do with one of the most abandoned men that had ever governed the empire, persecuting themselves to death a short time after. "Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: who, when he was reviled, reviled not again." As we know, from that day to this there has never been a real recovery, but only the return of a remnant for special purposes for a season. 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