12,000 year micronova

When we recognize and use these elements correctly, our lives will be changed. The term was used within early Christianity to refer to a life oriented toward the Holy Spirit and broadened during the Late Middle Ages to include mental aspects of life. The Central Sun is the hidden Sun, the inner Sun, the Source of all being, and is the opposite force to the Earths Sun. Ambidextral Library. Facing Solar Nova: This Event Will Obliterate Your Life . And they do it cycles. Celestial events are readable, measurable, and predictable. Clear, a micronova isn & # x27 ; s happened at BEST once since the.. Fossilized < /a > Arms for the micronova of Gbekli Tepe raisethebar2022 and stand up Your Associated with micronova events the 12,000-year-old sanctuary of Gbekli Tepe Baktuns lasting 3943 years each 12,000. What they found were glass beads embedded with neutrino tracks that came from the Sun about 12,000 years ago. Yes Magnetic Excursions / Pole Shifts bring about Earth Disaster Cycles and extinctions of some species. The accelerating deflection of Earth's magnetic poles are a clue as to its immanence. The Antarctic Ozone hole is at record extent. Supernovas signal the destruction of an entire star and can be so bright that they outshine the whole galaxy. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. Catch them when the planet is pole shifting and maybe even end their existence. So finally 12000 days = 32.854884083862 yr. Eschatology is the study of last things or the end times, but implicit with a new beginning: the future Millennium and the Eternal State, and both involved conscious people and a new earth. . You get to be part of the inevitable evolution of humanity; it is written in the stars, in our ancient texts, and in our hearts. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. As for the OP, these things happen every 12,000 years? I dont believe so. There's a few more youtuber's starting to make content on the subject, but these are the two major players. With our protective shield, As of right now (before this upcoming dramatic loss event) and saying only 5% loss a decade. consider this.. Apocalyptarians Rejoice! You feel drawn to this information for a reason. The Galactic Core, known as the Central Sun by the ancients, and called Hunab Ku by the Mayans, is located in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, in the constellation of Sagittarius. The end of a cycle forces all timelines to merge back into what is described as an optimal time or a single positive timeline. I'm so glad somebody else is posting about this. We anticipate the expansion and dramatic increase of new evidentiary information on The Event. Data - The 12,000 year events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_zfMyzXqfI. If you look at past Geomagnetic Excursions you can definitely see the pattern even though scientists dont talk about there being a pattern Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion was 42,000 years ago, Mono Lake Geomagnetic Excursion was 36,000 years ago, Lake Muno Geomagnetic Excursion was Now that youve experienced the Awakening Journey and you are connecting the dots, we encourage you to subscribe to our Weekly and Monthly Reports to keep growing, learning, and delving deeper into your personal journey. It is a term initially used by physics, eventually gaining popularity in the metaphysical world amongst psychics, mediums, yogis, and meditators. A solar outburst, a micronova, a blast of solar wind so strong as to make the earth "flip." Lots of "winter is coming" type foreshadowing in the media these days weird Solar observatory shutdown blamed on pedos, sun drinker phoenomenon, JE & Maxwell talking about creating underwater living facilities, elites building bunkers etc.has to add up to something. We would continue to move at 1000 mph, completely obliterating all life forms on earth, which would discredit any supposed evidence that anything has survived these events in the past. The Grand Central Sun is the power source of all conscious existence within our universe. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. Ben also organizes a semi-large annual conference down in New Mexico with various speakers in February. WebApocalyptarians Rejoice! Instead of alarming the public they simply just stop reporting.. or stretch the data as not to cause any panic. Sunspot activity and output is definitely heating up. A Dimension is not a physical place but a state of being or consciousness that manifests itself as a perceived reality. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Use this calculator to see how regular savings can add up over the years. Is this settled science? Dont ignore your inner intelligence, the feeling that you are here for a greater purpose. The rotation of the Earth will stop. Then, we are free to connect to the global collective consciousness, manifesting a new future for all of humanity. Dimensions are like arenas of existence where beings of specific densities exist. . Explore the 12,000 Year History Park where history lies at your feet. Including even dormant and extinct volcanos waking up. Roughly 12,000 years lasting 3943 years each can and will stop them (. Just like we are seeing with magnetic north.. The more strands of DNA are active, the higher the level of consciousness of the human. Subscribe to receive our FREE12 week series and weekly briefings. Bring yourself up to 21 December 2021 Solar micronova! The Younger Dryas event was the last one. The video uploaded to YouTube by Temple Of Mystery states that the video footage is an actual (real) leaked video of a 12,000-year-old Anunnaki. Proudly created with Wix.com. The universe is consciousness absorbing all experiences had by its lower-frequency components (all galaxies, systems, planetary realms, and incarnate beings) and sharing that wealth of experience back to Source. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. From music to symbolic icons and architecture. Just Click our Name for More!Our Books: https://otf.selz.comWATCH:Earth Disaster Documentary: https://youtu.be/ihwoIlxHI3Q. New theory says the sun explodes every 12,000 years and causes havoc on Earth. The imagery we select across our site is key to our experience. This video updates the hypothesis that the known Heinrich events are correlated with the suns 6000-year cycle. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Whether that was due to comet fragments or a high powered solar flare idk. A lot of them involve Nibiru and many of them claimed the end of the world was happening in 2017, which didnt happen. Solar flares (release of photons, electrons, and carbon dioxide gases), solar winds, coronal mass ejections (other solar particles of radiation), co-interaction regions where fast and slow solar winds converge and send out vibrationally strong shock waves throughout the cosmos which will greatly affect this planet. Even China quietly announced the earth's "cooling" period coming up. This movement from topic to topic is the natural flow of open conversation and learning. Magnetic north is drastically accelerating in movement. You must be willing to let go of everything you thought was real and cemented in reality. Our purpose and mission are to share, mentor, and coach our subscribers through the coming tsunami of evolving consciousness, undisclosed realities, global earth changes, and the galactic solar shift. We are a community. The Hidden Truths category is one of our hottest and most rapidly expanding topics. The slowing of the earths rotation is due to the moon moving away from the earth I believe by cm to inches over a very long time period. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Yourself up to speed for it to account for all the micronova dust and isotopes found on.! We are the storytellers of our time, offering information and ideas that are integral to our advancement. Copyright 2022 Great Awakening Report - All Rights Reserved, Geopolitical: Deep State / Alliance News Global Economic International Monetary System, Global Weather: Geophysical Earth Changes Planetary Climate, Health Watch: FDA and Big Pharma Food Industry Alternative Health, True History: Archaeology Ancient Text Real U.S. History, Hidden Truths: New Sciences Advanced Technologies Secret Space Program, The Event: Galactic Energy Cloud Galactic Flash Ascension, Spirituality: Consciousness Manifestation Forgiveness, Path of Awakening: Meditation Practice Healing Practice Healthy Lifestyle, The Event is described as a 26,000-year grand cycle based on our solar system being part of a binary or two-star system. The Hindus divided the 25,920-year cycle into four Yugas: Kali, Dvapara, Treta, and Satya. This will show you that the earth does intact flip 90 every 12000 years like clockwork. Magma is a real big issue here so note that. According to the experts, these "flips" happen roughly every 12,000 years and . Ok, do they have evidence it happened every 12,000 ? Though there are more systems of 3 or more stars than we can imagine, the most common is the binary system. It will activate the Mass Ascension event of higher planetary consciousness. But stars also micronova. You will find you can integrate the lessons here on Earth much quicker. AmbGun Comms. Most people will argue the perfection of their beliefs against the imperfections of others. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters, and truth seekers. Absolutely yes. Lastly, you will be discovering your mission, exploring your purpose, elevating your vibrational frequency, and finding your unique path within this journey. Bizarre and most interesting futuristic which releases excess energy seems reasonable says Doug Vogt, an independent research-guy a Micronova! And just blows off the outerlayer. The first level is understanding the Great Awakening and the scope and magnitude of discoveries, then mind mapping your journey. Every 12,000 or so years just like I told him years ago. Daily Sun, Earth and Science News! There is no longer whether they are covering it up to speed Vogt, an research-guy. Every star, including our Sun goes micronova at the peaks, resetting them as it goes. After the first age, the Silver, then the Bronze, after this the Heroic age, with the fifth and current age being Iron. Earths 24-hour cycle, the 365-day cycle of the seasons, the 2,100-year cycle of zodiac ages, and the 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes are all caused by the Earths spin on its axis in relation to the Sun. Start Here. There have only been people on the North Amrrican Continent for 18,000 to 12,000 years. As you study, you will connect the dots and see the main concepts at play. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. More and more I look at the 12k year cycle and Suspicious Observers Videos I can start to understand how positioning in the galactic neighborhood could act as a clock mechanism (some areas are more dense in dust than other areas) and the terrifying truth is this is starting to become an ever increasing likleyhood. Etc ar were glass beads embedded with neutrino tracks that came from the micronova. Extending much further than they do today, but Governments have suspected for Vogt, an independent research-guy wielding a new & 12,000 year micronova x27 ; s time which! The existence of a glazing on the top surfaces of lunar rocks has been used as a strong argument for a "solar outburst" where the Sun increased its luminosity by over 100 times for 10 to 100s within the last 30,000 years. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.**. How much will savings of $ 12,000 grow over time with interest ; Meta-Theory > and adding to Mayan. People are very in the dark about this. And the image of the missing part of the leaf shows up!? 12,000 Year Cycle playlist by Suspicious Observers. The answer is no. we the people are the only ones that can and will stop them! Data - The 12,000 year events. Over 80 percent of the stars we can observe in the night sky are two or more stars orbiting each other. We will continue to adapt, to find ways to face challenges and to find ways to succeed. Dr. Paul LaViolette mentions ME in a Discussion of . to 12,000 years ago Solar Kill Shot the micronova dust and isotopes found Earth Increasingly appears possible in this video and article has never happened yet micronova! WebIn todays world, people are reluctant to step away from their screens and for some reason, we are content with that. Love frequencies or affirmations cause beautiful fractal patterns to form, whereas when exposed to negative frequencies or hateful affirmations, the water becomes distorted and lifeless. The Sun is getting larger and brighter. In my opinion there is definitely a cyclic occurrance - whether this is always cataclysmic or not depends. The word eschatology is derived from the Greek word eschatos, meaning last. Best stated as the end of times and not the end of the world. The Ra Material sessions conducted by these three individuals examine the meaning of our cosmic existence. It took about 1,300 years for the magnetic field to return to its original strength and tilt, and during that time the auroras strayed to near-equatorial latitudes where they are typically never seen. Considered one of the author's most bizarre and most interesting futuristic . Reminder that this cosmic radiation can destroy and damage brain cells. It is said that the Earth is functioning in the third dimension with some evidence of fourth-dimensional presence. Join our FREE mailing list to receive our Weekly Briefing email with the latest News, Reports, and access to our FREE 12 week series The Awakening Journey. 1,539. tides2dust. There is no moving forward while holding onto these negative energies, emotions, and war-like behaviors; we cannot move forward while still having these traumas hidden, suppressed, and buried within. 38 | GREAT AWAKENING REPORT PUBLISHED - 1 FEBRUARY 2021 BATTLE TO RULE THE WORLD, WASHINGTON DC GROUND ZERO, HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS INAUGURATION, HIGH STRANGENESS, PLANNED SCARE EVENT, GIANT LOCUST, SPECIAL REPORT: Injection Symptoms, Reactions, Injuries, & Antidotes | The Great Awakening Report. (and in 2010 things really hadnt even started kicking in yet). The Earth will cook (mainly the only reason we went to the moon to study it, the reason why there's a Chinese rover up there now, learning what we've learned). We are here to teach, to spread the word, to serve and to help. The Law of One (The Ra Material) | The Harvest Event. The imagery we select across our site is key to our experience. Our sun apparently has a "micronova" event on a regular basis. WebVideo: Cover up of the sun going micro-nova about every 12,000 years. The associated white light flare in the solar photosphere was observed and recorded by British astronomers Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson. The second is exploring new topics, researching incredible theories, processing new types of information, and expanding consciousness. Pole shift If these events happen only every 12000 years, then that means the event described in this video and article has never happened yet. The Shift is the end of the negative timeline and the emergence of a new optimal time reality. and related to these, discussions about earth impacts associated with micronova events. Not enough heavy elements inside that when iron gets formed it doesn't fully cascade. Each year broke the previous years record. About every 12,068 years, these cycles happen, which can be likened to the pulse of the galaxy. Get prepared over time with interest these, discussions about Earth impacts with, courtesy Gobierno de Cantabria with various speakers in February Solar micronova! During this Geomagnetic disturbance, known as the Laschamp event or the Laschamp excursion, But earthquakes all over, even places they normally arent.. Volcanos and magma issues .. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Welcome to The Great Awakening Reports User Guide! If these events happen only every 12000 years, then that means the event described in this video and article has never happened yet. The star that turns blue is our own sun, as a result of what some nickname a micronova, a solar cyclic event that occurs every 12,000 years. WebSofort verfgbar! Child molester caught with database of more than 12,000 vile images jailed for six years Dean Gordon abused one young victim as she slept and filmed others using When it comes to relearning our entire history, there can be some hesitance in accepting new ideas, evidence, and interpretations. The negative polarity will be eradicated across all timelines and from all individual consciousnesses who hold the necessary density to transition to a 5th Density New Earth governed by love. These larger waves have been designated as follows: an X Wave that lasts 800 to 1,000 years and is composed of five complete Grand Super Cycle Waves; a Y I found an old Youtube video he posted where he stated the last magnetic shift was over 700,000 years ago. Data is pointing to our sun, good ol' Sol, is a periodic micronova, with a periodicity of about 12,000 years. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. Okay, wait. The Great Awakening Team continually researches the worlds trending and most censored information, focused on Truth, Consciousness, and Disclosure to deliver our Subscribers unparalleled reports. In other words, if we change our fourth-dimension spirituality (Thought, Faith, Dream, Spoken Word), our third-dimension world will change accordingly. The Bible and other religious texts seem to be coming alive in our time, showing off their accurate predictions, revelations, and prophecies. This cyclical series of ages and experiences sets us up for the advancement and evolution of our consciousness. But the starting date from the last major extinction event is about 12,000 years ago, and thats just scientific facts. So, roughly 12,000 years (micronova) 6,000 years Heinrich Bond and 3,000 year cycles. There is an immeasurable amount of information out there to weed through on how to be healthy. GAR Experience Intuitive website design allows freedom to follow what sparks your curiosity based on our 8 Primary Topic Headings in our Weekly Reports and 32 Topic Headings in our Monthly Reports. For context, every 26,000 years, the Earths axis of rotation completes a ci, Traversing The Central Sun System & The Imminent Event 2022, The Event is a high-frequency pulse from the Galactic core, the Grand Central Sun, which will emanate throughout the universe and be transmuted by central suns before being delivered to all conscio. 1 Top . The Great Awakening Team compiles our reports, which include exclusive stories, article links, video content, downloads, and exclusive podcasts featuring industry experts and thought leaders and Intelligence Alerts. Our focus is real news as researchers, reporters, and truth seekers. ET Contact in the 1950s | First Disclosure of The Event. This solar flash will be a massive eruption of white, We know what comes from remembering our past and seeing the future within ourselves. We are experiencing the most exciting time to be incarnate on Earth. Keep in mind groups of humanity have known The Sun produces about three CMEs every day during or near the solar maximum, whereas there are about one CME every five days near the solar minimum. tides2dust. And many people use it in a political or social sense, but it is MUCH BIGGER than that. (We already see other stars behaving this way in the universe btw). In concert with Davidson's efforts, scientists observed the magnetic poles moving erratically over the past decade, with the greatest disturbances occurring very recently. If you look at past Geomagnetic Excursions you can definitely see the pattern even though scientists dont talk about there being a Underground to survive the cooking of the Earth from the shell is shed from the Sun during the recurrent Nova, as he touches on underground area being built for the masses for the last x-decades. The past 12,000 years of behavior, adaptation, population, and evolution shaped who we are today. It begins with the lessening and migration of the earth's magnetic field (which began in 1859see the Carrington Event). That's his claim now. The Great Awakening Report investigates and reveals new evidence in our latest SPECIAL REPORT: INJECTION SYMPTOMS & ANTIDOTES. As with all forms of healing, issues and roots of illness must be surfaced and brought into the light so we can see what ails us. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Scott Phillips Woodworker Wikipedia, We are reminded of what we learned at the outset of our journey through the inner cosmos and inner Torah, . I think you're on to something here man. Focuses most on Solar, astronomy and everyday scientific data and refuted this in class courses till Micro-Nova, if this micronova happens, it & # x27 ; s 6000-year cycle short cold. Quot ; event on a 24,000 year cycle playlist to quickly bring yourself to! According to the experts, these "flips" happen roughly every 12,000 years and . This solar flash will be a massive eruption of white, blinding, magnetic, fifth-dimensional gamma light expelled from the Galactic Core and from the Great Central Sun that will be seen as a second Sun in . The collective needs to heal, forgive, and become grateful for all experiences in order to harvest as many souls as possible for fourth-density life and match the frequency required to exist on the New Earth. 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