prophecy california falling into ocean

Learn that it is not the knowledge that should come from written words, but words that are put into written writing that are wisdom. And pray to God that when this time happens, your souls shall be in accord with His, for you shall be the children of our Father, and His love for you shall protect you, and your faith in Him shall protect you. We are here to prepare a way, and in the preparing of this way, we should tell all of Gods children of this message for, as a brook shall flow, the Seven Spirits of our Father shall flow upon your earth; and as a brook shall flow into a river, the message shall flow from the river unto the ocean and into the many lands upon your world. Thy, the two brothers, both have asked the same question, How may I meditate?. And all His angels, as thy call them, shall be with thee. . The following are 11 prophecies of the historic earthquake that will someday cause large parts of the state of California to slide into the Pacific Ocean, #1John Paul Jackson: There is an earthquake that has been predicted to devastate California. For they have come to many parts of thy earth. April 29, 1976, Globe, Arizona: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Did not Jesus say, Fear not, for what can man but do but kill thy body? . For his warriors, as on earth and in heaven, must be chosen. The strike-slip earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are a result of this plate motion. Also in the food pour two ounces of the sage in her food. The plight that is upon the earth and has hidden and struck the land is but part of the whole. All you have had to do is to listen and to utilize this information. They would steal the bread from his family. But remember these words, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, for in our Fathers eyes there is no death. And you had given unto them. They do not bring forth a bountiful enough fruit, or food, as you would say, to feed the multitudes as is needed. New land shall rise, approximately, of your miles, 25 miles. In the readings you will find a great multitude of information on this subject. Remember, our Father loves you. Prepare yourselves. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all. Islands shall be made. If thy should offend thy brother, the shall be offended. Im going to try to explain where the knowledge that I had comes from.. And we should say unto thee, where no water flowed, water shall flow, that the clouds shall open unto abundance of the same. Can some people sense that an earthquake is about to happen (earthquake sensitives)? It was one of a number of helpful votes in Ephesians 4:22 ESV. In Bible, does God care about natural disasters? Amos 1:1-15 ESV/1 helpful vote refers to a portion in which the Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem, and the pastures of the shepherds mourn, and the tops of the Carmel withers. In the teaching of Gods way thy shall rise, if this way is done right and done without selfish motives. The following are 11 prophecies of the historic earthquake that will someday cause large parts of the state of California to slide into the Pacific Ocean. Look into the parable that soul Ray read today. Your Father gives you these words. Neither the USGS nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. In the next three-year period there shall be many upheavals upon thy earth. It is impossible to generate an earthquake of magnitude 10 or higher. We have told you before that where water flowed, no water shall flow. They are only the earth changing as it must. Remember, man may harm your body or even slay you, but no man was ever given the right to harm your soul, or your spirit or your immortal body. According to the Bible, Nostradamus predicted the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler and the worlds end. They have already started in that of the land of the isles of California. This should happen soon in a different way than has happened before. OR We haven't had any earthquakes in a long time; does this mean that the pressure is building up for a big one? All of these things must come first. Your home should be in good earthquake preparation. If thy should walk with His hand in yours, then happiness and love for all on your earth plane shall dwell for a thousand years. Aka, [5771003] and J______ would like to know if you have any advice for them concerning their work in Yuma, or their plans for a move?. But beware. And two shall bring forth ten, and ten shall bring forth one hundred, and one hundred should bring forth one thousand, and one thousand should bring forth one hundred thousand, and one hundred thousand shall bring forth one million, and one million shall bring forth the face of the earth. At the end of all planes is the Christ state for man. It says in Joshua when they crossed over the Jordan River, the Jordan River overflowed all of its banks all of the days of the harvest. was a fool, and the works of God were fools, and the healing of God were fools, were they not struck from the heavens? And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. Then we would speak again of these messages and their meaning. But remember, our Father made all things, both of the heaven and earth. It is through your [prayers] of the destiny of your earth., January 21, 1977: Aka, I have a question from [93572]. Thank you, ah, Aka, I was talking to a man, [52170004], here in Globe, about some property; it would be northwest of the Old Dominion Mine. For here once before the people of God dwelled. You think in terms of fear. But we say unto you, look unto the politics, into your own local government. An official website of the United States government. Remember, in the beginning God made of both man and woman. But before that time shall come forth, you long have waited for the meeting of your own relatives from other planetary systems where the seed was implanted. Yet, we see this one who seeks in truth, and we should give in the same manner this truth. The time is gettin very near and if man doesnt heed somewhere along the line, then theres not going to be no man; thats all there is to it. And the day shall come when men shall heal with thy mind. And those who resist the mark of the Beast shall live again in Gods kingdom. Store grain. Look into its history. It is your job to carry the message of God. Most of the words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, that were recorded from 1970 to 1989 are now available for you at [Editors note: The spiritual messengers of God have loving provided many suggestions to guide all of us who wish help who may be in need. Do not heed to all of these new things that people shall say unto you shall be the best for you. Yet they should feel the [wrath] of our Lord. Prepare that way within yourself, and give it unto others in the same manner that the Master would give it unto us, and you with love, compassion. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. And you said unto myself [thyself], If this one should be the one I have waited for, then surely he should know of all the tribes of Israel. And so you spoke unto this one and he heard your words. These, with your own explosions, shall trigger a great earthquake into the same. And there shall stand a mighty monument, for within each person shall be the temple of God. The manner unto which he should to survive is the question. You do not have to forsake thyself, thy inner self, to be with God, for He is all around you. May 4, 1973: And we say unto you, lo, lo into the Lord, for these are the righteous days. But if the Eagle should fly first, if the Eagle should guard and do the duty that it was made to perform we see in the minds of some of your people the thought not to protect that proportion of Israel. And we should say unto thee, prepare thee for the famine. If this would be beneficial to all of us, then what could I do to help bring this about? He asks, Where, and how?, [Editors note: See the August 10, 1970, message that was given previously to this person.]. Now, we should tell thee of the time of what thee would call of space travel. Do not ridicule any church, as thy would call it upon this plane. It will crumble and fall back to the floor and will ultimately break off the east cost of California along the San Andria fault line. One time, and I think its only once in the four books I think theres four books to the New Testament that he mentions the kingdom of God is within you. As we have told thee before, in the preparation of our coming, much work was needed, much work was needed in the choosing of our instrument, in the readiness of the same. There have been dozens of smaller earthquakes in the area since 1906, including a 6.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred in 2003 and caused some damage in Desert Hot Springs. We really are coming into Psalm 91 when 1,000 may fall at our side and 10,000 over here. We should tell thee of a different time, for your world has been as three. But due to the fact that thy would use certain parts of this in the work of God, we shall give this information at this time. In that proportion of the land which shall be known in the future as the isles of California, in that proportion known as San Francisco, eruptions shall be caused by the Red Horse. But do not run and hide, for that in itself is where the danger lies.. Aka, another question from soul Bartholomew [from San Bernardino, California]. As thy would call him, the devil? all he has, then, is a lost soul. We have given thee warnings before. We should say these words Harken unto you, for the Lord is great. Yes, now that is better; now all souls are in accord. Even your Lord, God, should not do unto this of thee. Your email address will not be published. Yet, our Father shall weep. This information has come from what thy call the Mormon church. Required fields are marked *. But first and foremost, remember that if we are to prepare a way for his coming and for the enlightenment of the soul, and therefore, of the man, we cannot do this with destroying what has been, only building what is there already. For as before, the Messiah walked in five placed, he shall not this time upon this coming. They, in their own way, are preparing for this day of famine, for their prophets have told them of such. Store in such a way that thy may replant and re-grow, and replenish your earth. But if you took the sweet bread, and mixed it with a little bitter, and that that had no taste, then there would be an abundance for all. Yes, we see a certain amount of minerals there; this would pay in material gain. Is the child already here?. We say unto you, we are here but for one reason, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Youd like it here. We are going into the. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 2011 Tohoku Daiichi earthquake are the most powerful in recorded history, both registering magnitudes of *9. If our coming is successful, then all shall be in readiness and Gods plan shall be told to thee in completion. Your earth, as we have said before, shall start to change. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.. ], You said earlier this evening that this valley will again be under the sea. You shall find a range of mountains that is called the Back Gila country, that unto which your Gila River should flow through. Yet you have become weak. Sometimes, in the translation from our plane to yours, yes, it is sometimes confusing. We are hereto prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. I humbly dissgee with the idea that the Land will fall into the ocean. Can thy understand of which we speak?, Of the storing of the food for the famine, you had said earlier that the people in this location shouldnt store the food here. It is written that woe be on man, for when this time comes, whatever you are doing, do not go back for your coat or your hat, but flee unto the mountains. But remember, it will come a little at a time until the last time. Decoding the Future: Book of Revelation (7-DVDs). Akas guidance June 19, 1976, comes to mind: Pray that the underwater flows shall enter the crevasses and cushion the earth faults.], Of this we say unto thee, your thousand years can begin at any time, but not as you should count, but as our Father should count. You are now within the laws of your land a church. But only man himself may destroy the spirit. For even as this finishes, he shall enter the kingdom of God in not the highest plane. Your changes shall come from Alaska, through the Mediterranean, through the Mexican and South Americans, and all land within the same shall mold and come forth. Again, in February 2011, as Egypts President Mubarak was stepping down, and later one country after another fell to the Arab Spring, Gods spiritual messengers spoke: Our Father will no longer hold back what is to happen.. Read how the spiritual messengers arrived in 1970 and about the Association of Universal Philosophy they formed in A Stairway to Heaven. This books prophecy is a warning to all who have heard it. Now we shall tell you, as we have said before, that mans soul shall be as a ladder, and with man and his free choice, he may either climb up or down this ladder. Mt. But now scientists are telling us that a megaquake could cause large portions of California to plunge into the ocean and that it is quite likely that this will actually happen someday. And we shall tell thee of the time that shall come before thee in fulfillment, for as once before, as Judas should slay a Prophet, and the Prophet rose again, so it shall be in this time, for not until the Prophet was slain should the truth come in fulfillment. We are important to God. I have spoke before of the great pyramid and the bird of the great pyramid, for there, buried beneath the city of what thy call Cairo, is the chamber of the records of thy time, from the beginning to the year 1998. For those who should, shall believe in God, there shall be always. Residents in the East Bay area should be prepared for any number of earthquakes that may strike. Build it in a one-foot cube, placing baffles every six inches. It was your own folly that you left your water and food behind. He says in Matthew, Chapter 28, at the end of the chapter he says, I will be with you till the end of the age. Is this the Christ, or is this the entity, Jesus? Then we should say unto thee, form thee a group, and therefore, walk out into thy earth and upon the isles which shall be known as the isles of California and prepare thee then a way for thy children of our Father. And remember thee that what was before shall be again, that Atlantis shall rise again and it shall sink again, and the people of Atlantis shall live as they live again on thy plane. Yet you were not sure. So theres a way of saying, Okay, I have time, but that doesnt mean it wont be an earthquake tomorrow 7.5 you know, or next week or two weeks from now have some magnitude. The Dragon [China] shall show its mighty teeth, and the Red Horse which shall be known as your Beast has risen its seven ugly heads, and it has said of foul things upon our Father. Can the ground open up during an earthquake? But God shall cast lightening and shall give him the weapons that shall be needed when the time comes. Where there is no light, light shall flow. The majority. It is expected to cause extensive damage to infrastructure and property, and possibly loss of life. We are all preparing to take trips. And at this time he shall become closer into what is known as the God state, or the Christ state. When Peter diverted his attention from his Masters work to the onslaught of the wind around him, his faith began to erode, and he began to sink into the water in a helpless state. If you do so, you have nothing to fear, nothing at all., September 2, 1988: Thank you, Aka. So could a substantial portion of southern California someday actually slide into the ocean like we see in the movies? Too often, too often thy should pray to thy Father and then thy, themself, forgot thy prayer. Too often, man forgets that God loves thee. For some In the time of David it was said, for those who would say that God -. We should say one more word; add this to your name. But remember, as we have said before, we shall allow no one to interfere with this work, for remember, we may do nothing without our Fathers permission. You took them from their mud huts and showed them how to construct out of the same material large buildings in the form of fortresses. You have chosen once again in the same. There are many theories about the California earthquake that happened on July 5, 2019. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. Shallow crevasses can form during earthquake-induced landslides, lateral spreads, or from other types of ground failures, but faults do not open up during an earthquake. Walk thee in the light of God, and by walking in His light, thy shall become as He. During the Days of Awe one seeks forgiveness from God and asks to be written in the Book of Life. And how many times have you come from theses caves? We have spoke before of the day of the Cherub, and therefore, we say to you, it is here. And the Fifth Angel does hover above thy earth. You have two choices pray that the intensity of the earthquakes shall not be so strong; pray that the [under]water flows shall enter the crevasses and cushion the earth faults. In a recent study, it was discovered that playing online slots is much more likely to result in a large jackpot win. Future generations may say "it was great while it lasted," the University of California, Santa Cruz professor predicted. But if you chose to dam it up a little, and share it, then all mankind could rejoice in the sweet bread. They are minor, yet the intensity shall grow.. Join us every weekday for a new CoreFact. Our permission has been given for one who sits very close to God to talk to thee. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]. There is no scientific explanation for the symptoms some people claim to have preceding an earthquake, and more often than not there is no earthquake following the symptoms. We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:141.]. First, we would give you of these words. The Fifth Angel stands awake upon your earth. The fuse has been lit. She has deep concern for her husband, his health, retirement and other change. Is this true?, For as, in the beginning, [theyre who, they who, there] are thirteen and as the chain has been broken and built again, so it shall go on and on, through time, through all planes. But we would say this. And other earths shall heave from the sea, and therefore, other islands shall be there too. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. . I remember, vaguely, the fall from my horse--Blackie. And if you should walk the path, you should find the bread along the way, and the multitudes shall be fed. When the fire reaches Israel, the earth shall begin to smolder, and you shall see he who is of the Messiah who shall come forth. That of your written words, that of how to do things mineralogy, electronics, every one of your technologies should be preserved. And He loves all of thee. No, California is not going to fall into the ocean. In Jesus name, amen. Then, from Eureka, California, downward, almost as you would draw a straight line, to San Bernardino, downward into the Gulf of Mexico, or to the Gulf of California, as you would call it, the splitting away of land. As we have said before, the seven angels hover above thy earth. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future. Yet we come now to prepare the way. Between . There are part of these that are totally useless at this time unless they should go great depths. Now all he will need is quiet and peace of mind beforehand. Too often, man would think, Should I build a temple of material things to God, and buy his love? For, we would say to you, did not Jesus go to the temple in Jerusalem and cast out there the money lenders, and drive from the temple the animals who were there to be sold. Joe was saying that he had an accidenta fall from a horse when he was 17, and for days he had a concussion. Yes, I do, and thank you very much. But remember, we are here to prepare a way, and the time should grow short. ], Then we would say unto thee, bring unto us one soul, that the work of our Father may be implanted, that those souls who dwell in these isles may be given these words, and therefore, be prepared for the coming of the Messiah, but therefore, to be prepared for that day unto which the Seventh Angel shall drop his mighty sword upon your earth. Thy asked of the end, this can never be told, for this is in Gods plan. There a new group among you shall be formed.. We say unto you, if you should go unto the desert, and leave your water and food behind, and say, Lord, provide, the Lord has already provided. And you shall return upon the earth again at another time, and therefore, you shall prepare once again for my coming. When thy speak to thy Father, do not bow and scrape to Him. And if so, what area should I venture into? And so therefore, you fled again unto the Snake land. In the Caribbean area new earthquakes shall occur. Therefore, we would suggest that that portion be used. [See The Revelation, chapter 610, and 1422. The quatrain in question, Nostradamuss Century VI-97, reads: The great city of destruction in the west, The year 1999 and seven months, From the sky will come a great King of Terror: To bring back to life the great King of Angoulmois. Some believe that this quatrain is a prediction that California will fall into the ocean in the year 1999. Parts of California will not sink into the ocean because of the movement of the plates. But with warning, the Lord may hear your prayers. And we shall say unto thee into these words, as we have said before. And those who listen and cannot hear, then they can not hear. This shall begin in 1998 and at this time has began before in your year of 1932. And of your year, 1998, so it shall be upon your Earth. You have seen the devastation of the earthquakes as they surrounded the land. Could thee understand this? Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Do I have work to do there?, We shall answer your question in this manner. Over the years, many people have been shown that someday a giant earthquake will cause significant portions of California to fall into the ocean. Can you understand this? For now shall be a new time. According to Nostradamus, approximately 70% of his predictions have turned out to be correct. [See The Revelation, chapters 811, 1422.] From earthquake to volcano, as the time grows near we shall give you more specific information. The San Andreas Fault System, which crosses California from the Salton Sea in the south to Cape Mendocino in the north, is the boundary between the Pacific Plate (that includes the Pacific Ocean) and North American Plate (that includes North America). And now, we should say unto the land of the Yuma, unto the land of the Imperial Valley, go back into the time, into your early readings, and bring forth our words. For each it shall be a little different, for remember, there is free choice, even [for] the Christ state. We say to you, make the first step. Yet your thoughts were to return back to your homeland to warn your people of these warring people who were advancing. You have taken into each of thy souls of thy own need. The plates are moving horizontally past one another, so California will not fall into the ocean but instead L.A. will one day mosey on passed San Francisco one day. You ask from whence we came. And he said unto you, Why do you slump your head?, And you said unto him, For you are king. And he looked upon you and said unto you these words, For I am a teacher sent from God, and as a teacher should never be greater than his pupil in the eyes of the Lord, give forth that which God has given unto you. If thy and my Father shall walk among all men forever, so should He walk with thee now. For, as Jesus reached the Christ state, and went to God to dwell in His mansion, so should all man dwell in Gods mansions. The one thing is, and has been, mans own selfishness to say that, Only my way can be the pathway unto the Lord. If a river came through your land, the way youd drink from it would make little difference; it would all be the same water. This brings tears to your eyes as you see the good order you have in your faith. But remember, what God has given, it is only Gods power to take away. For in Gods plan, we should tell thee, it shall be no more, for as water flows, so shall the spirit of God flow. Its whole form shall change. There is only one way that they shall be known; they shall know within thyself, for as each day passes, a peace shall come to thee. If thy speak what others have said, that meant something to them, but nothing to you, so, therefore, your prayer would be false. In January, yet another chunk fell into the ocean after intense rainstorms, which created a debris flow that overwhelmed water drains more than 100 miles south of San Francisco. Nay not fully. Now, we would say unto soul Luke, for the one who should need of the healing, give unto this soul. But yet, thy cherub shall be known to each of you in its own way. Their bodies changes almost to the animal state. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens. you hear this, [now]?, Then yall take care. The committee has identified some elements of previous USGS reports that should be investigated further. But as yet the tremors have already started in other parts of the world. Think thee [being] of the 940, and soon, yes, very soon it shall be uncovered. St Pete's is all beach, all the time - and it's going to all be underwater by 2100. When I came across news stories about this brand new study I was absolutely astounded. Do not let a government control you or you will have lost that freedom. And as I have said before, and I say not as I, but as we, for we are here to prepare a way for his coming. Can thy understand this? But remember, this time shall come, not as you count, but as our Father should count. It was a [], Joe Brandts 1937 Dream Of California Falling Into The Ocean I woke up in the hospital room [], Chuck Youngbrandt mentions in his current news letter being warned in 1977 of coming judgements coming to this [], ( These notes were taken from the open transcript on the Youtube video seen here. In fact, the researchers that conducted this study say that it is almost certain to happen eventually. When we say unto you that all is in accord, it is because all thy love is in accord with God, and all thy love for thy fellow man is in accord with God. Nay, not fully. Then we would say these things into thee. [See The Revelation, chapters 48 and 1419.]. And for some there shall be many, and for some there shall be never. All things shall change upon your earth. Now, he, his soul is with God, and his spirit is with God. . Our coming was not meant to cause fear or confusion into thee; our coming was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Make sure that you have food substance to last for six months bedding, clothing, and those of medical supplies. E-mail or message us on Facebook at the Association of Universal Philosophy page. Now, the overcoming, as you would call it, of this karma can be done by the helping of others. Is there any danger to the people living in this valley in the near future?, Not at the present time; within the next ten years, yes, there is. [Please see Matthew 24:36. And for those who should put their poison in the sea, they should drink of the same. [See The Revelation 8:613. But we should give thee warning of these things, as we have done on all other. But up until now, most scientists have disputed the idea that this could ever actually happen. Northern Europe shall part. Now thy ask, What shall be the work of thy disciples? And we should say, build thee a temple in each man for God, and therefore, thy would prepare a way for his coming. But remember, his reign shall be lean; therefore, he shall cast upon your earth many foul things. God has laid no rules down for His worship. I have a request from [ ]. In the beginning think of thy spirits as sun rays, and think of God as the sun, with each spirit knowing and getting its [light, life] from God because each spirit is part of God. Bring forth let the words of peace, and the thousand years of peace may be soon at hand. We have told you of these. And then you shall see those from the earth and those from the heavens come forth and rebuild the earth. Get to the mountains. Should I change? It is to put away your old self, which came to be as a result of a corruptible past and is present in your present, as described in Galatians 6:2. Very soon, the discovery of the cosmic magnetic rays shall be known and thy universe shall be open to mankind. Can you provide me with a news tip? California Town Still Scarred By 1964 Tsunami On Good Friday, March 27, 1964, the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America struck Anchorage, Alaska. ." . The time of the Cherub, think thee of thy cherub. Although irrigation water continues to flow into the Salton Sea, stabilizing it level at 228 feet below sea level, the Sea will shrink when water is diverted from farms to urban areas in 2017. (Chuckle). Nay, not at this time. But if you run and be afraid, then that is what you shall be fearful and afraid. As man is born and born again, think thee of Christ, of Jesus, and what he did say: I have come not to destroy the works of Moses, not to destroy the commandments, but to I have come not to destroy what has been before, only to make clear in the temple of God, which is man, that God should not be forsaken. , most scientists have disputed the idea that this could ever actually happen walk! Your technologies should be prepared for any number of helpful votes in Ephesians 4:22 ESV minor... E-Mail AUniversalPhiosophy @ or message us on Facebook at the end of all planes is question. Warriors, as we have done on all other state for man across stories. That he had a concussion, [ now ]? prophecy california falling into ocean we see a certain amount minerals. The heavens come forth and rebuild the earth changing as it must [ now ]? and... Unto thee into these words Harken unto you shall find a great multitude of information this. 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