valera spanish goats

They are smart, noisy and affectionate. Silver Rabbits for sale, both non-pedigreed for meat production and pedigreed for show, meat production or pets. Alpine Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Nubian Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, American Lamancha Goats: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Boer Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Kiko Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Kalahari Red Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Cashmere Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Angora Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Golden Guernsey Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, Black Bengal Goat: Breed Info, Characteristics, Breeding, and Care, 10 Simple Tips to Having a Clean Home All of the Time, 15 Best Radish Varieties to Grow in Your Garden, Large drooped ears with thick short horns Nubian or Boer Crosses, Short, upright, ears with long thick horns and no twist at the point Dairy Crosses, Lots of hair with droopy Nubian-like ears Angora Cross. Dual registered with the American Milking Shorthorn Society and American Shorthorn Association. Outside the winter season, the goats are fed the mixed feed while lactating. The Kensings?goats have small sideways ears. The Morefields wanted cashmere, but particularly wanted hardy goats that would help them clear their lush 17-acre Ohio property of brush, briars, and poison ivy. Those were the days when Spanish goats were used as brush goats, and goat meat was just a by-product. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. C4 Livestock israising their Sawyers in one of the most challenging environmental conditions for any breed of goatand they are adapting well. The heavy, cashmere helps keep these goats in good body condition during the winter months. This makes this Baylis strain in dire need of conservation as they are some of the few remaining animals that are specifically adapted to the climate in the southeastern states.Predators werent a great problem in the area. He began raising fullblood Spanish goats in Eastabutchie, Mississippi when he was a boy. A?does are bred to A?bucks, B?bred to B,?C?to C. The Barbados Blackbelly breed evolved in the Caribbeanto tolerate parasites, hot and humid weather and variable diet. ?Once bred, the does are back to the brush, and resume their roles.Every year, each goat is reassessed, and bred again using the same formula. They keep one llama with each group of goats (groups consist of 50 goats running on 300 acres). Free choice minerals are always available, and hay in the winter is offered. Feeding and Nutritional Needs All goats need plenty of forage and browse that includes both legumes and grasses. Many Texans lease their land to deer hunters, and Syfan is among them, so the Akbash is not his first choice. Bill Breckinridge and Tamara Pittman-Breckinridge bought this line of Spanish goats from ranchers who brought them up from the borderlands of Mexico. They then brought back in the grandson of the original Spanish Valera buck. We do not track percentages for any sort of Bloodline breed up tracking. Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. You can HELP SAVE this extremely rare and hard to find French breed. Since then he has added a performance-tested Sawyer billy to breed with Unos progeny, and to produce sires for use in his composite breeding program. He was bred to a herd of Spanish goats brought to Muddy Run in 1996 from a doctor who was retiring in southwest Virginia. What they don't have in height they makeup for in hardiness and parasite resistance. We currently have 4 litters on the ground! Heritage breeds have a wealth of genetic resources that are important for our future and the future of our agricultural food system. They were of various colors. For now, feel free to continue reading. Feel free to email or call with any questions. "Chester" a large bodied, classic type, high luster ram prospect for your purebred line. Joe Preston & Sarah Neely, Jane Davis-Sawyer, and Edwin Sawyer raised the Sawyer Bloodline Spanish goats for decades behind theiruncle and continued his commitment to the Sawyer Bloodline. It is difficult to tell from photographs the origins of a goats genetics. The goats have constant access to both mineral blocks and loose minerals, and drink from troughs as there are no natural streams or water sources in their pastures.The Papes deworm twice per year, running the goats through a chute and using a worming gun to dose the goats with oral dewormer, usually Ivermectin. Syfan has successfully kept predators under control.The herd is bred for springtime kidding. Wormers and vaccines are not used on the goats, and are not necessary in the climate.Nannies kid in pastures once a year in a 60-75 day window. Peter and Rosa do hoof trimming approximately twice a year. Some are spotted. These bucks have a Pure Spanish Sire and a registered Kiko Dam. Call 303-882-6259 or garryboozer123@gmail.comPosted March 22, 2022, Alva, Florida: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Paul Persaud at Sunsplash Farms, LLC has 2021 Pure Spanish Goat Billies available. Sawyer genetics can be picked out of the crowd. However, the original gene pool was not swamped by this, and the Weinheimer bloodline retains some unique Spanish genes.Among the herd may be found a dozen or so blue goats. Shurley had raised Spanish goats for many years, running up to 2,000 head at one time, but got interested in Boers in the early 1990s and crossed his Spanish goats with Boers. Big Creek Farm has 2 yearling Belted Galloway bulls available, one dun and one black. Sire is Samuel from Dempsey Perkins line. The ranch is devoid of coyotes, which have been virtually wiped out in the area by commercial ranchers trapping efforts over the years. Has horns. Please contact Anne Williams 352-318-0866 or October 26, 2022, Wilson, OK:Circle3 Livestock, LLC has 20 Spanish Herd Sires from 1 to 6 years old available ~ Fullblood and Weinheimer. Three Syfan billies were purchased through Mackey Lange, Ranch Manager for Tom Syfan. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. Preston Faris also focused on eliminating the cow-hocked and flat ribbed genetics fromthe Sawyer Bloodline. They are raised on natural forage using rotational grazing with hay provided in the winter December-April). We are able to provide breeding pairs, trios, and more. Foxes require a lot of interaction and care to maintain their socialization and ensure their happiness. They focused on deep, big boned billies and feminine nannies. The amounts of feed given depend on the kidding and pregnancies of the herd. I'm looking to sell 7 exposed pairs for $1,200 and a bull for $1,500. When a good buck can be replaced with a better buck, so be it, and the culled older bucks usually go to hunting programs where their horns are prized by hunters.Syfan sells mature does, bucks, bucklings, and a few doelings to breeders. They are good foragers with an active but not flighty temperament and are not aggressive with people. Two 2021 purebred rams available. These are the genes that make the Morefield bloodline unique. Lately the eagles have been staying year-round. The island was used as a rice paddy that was farmed until the 1911. We leave very few bulls intact so you know they're good. The goats love the grain cubes, and the rustle of a feed bag will bring them running to their owners, showing them to be a pretty tame bunch. That luxury no longer exists, and predation is a constant battle. They are Baylis/Valera line and they are very entertaining. Sired by Top Selling Sire at the 2020 Spanish Goat Gathering. The ranchers ate it, too. We put the bucks in with the does in September and have doe kids for sale as early as June/July. I personally have been to all, three Sawyer ranches and saw distinct similarities. However, the following list of goats are represented by DNA Sampling in our Genetic Database. They are available about September 1st. However, since that time Koy Adcock trusted Darla Mucha to continue the legacy of Koy Ranch genetics and sold her entire FOUNDATION KOY RANCH HERD to Darla Mucha. Allison Ranch Discovered Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Allison Ranch.Baylis Foundation Mississippi Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bob Baylis Ranch.Bode Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bode Ranch.Bradshaw Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by the Bradshaw Ranch.Concharty Discovered Texas Herd no longer in production on Herd Ranch.Devils River Foundation Texas Herd that is no longer being produced by Marvin Shurley.Kensing Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Kensing and Whitworth Family Ranches.Koy Ranch Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Koy Ranch.Lowcountry Foundation South Carolina Herd that is no longer being produced on the Coastal Island of South Carolina.Middle Valley Established Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Middle Valley Spanish Goat Ranch.Morefield Foundation Ohio Herd that is currently in production on the Morefield Ranch.Pape Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Elgin Pape Ranch.Partin Discovered Florida Herd that is no longer in production on the Doc Partin Ranch.FSG Fullblood Spanish Goat Fullblood Spanish Goat is the bloodline designation given to Herds/Goats that are a result of multiple Fullblood Spanish Goat Bloodline crosses.Sawyer Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Neely-Sawyer and Eddie-Sawyer Ranches.Smoke Ridge Foundation Montana Herd that is currently in production on the Smoke Ridge Ranch.Syfan Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Three Mill Ranch.Valera Foundation Virginia Herd that is currently in production on the Muddy Run Farm.Weinheimer Foundation Texas Herd that is currently in production on the Weinheimer Ranch.Wood Foundation Ohio Herd that is no longer in production on the Wood Ranch.Willingham (info only, not Fullblood Spanish) NOT FULLBLOOD SPANISH. Heres how it works:The goats, male and female, adults and kids, are divided into three groups according to quality (conformation, size, etc.). "Cornelius", unregistered twin of Chester, available for crossbreeding for your fiber flock. Low birth weights and ease of calving. They are both straight Valera. Horns are part of their breeding selection criteria, and the Weinheimers prefer horns that are broad-based at the base and have less twist, sweeping back and flaring broadly. Even his grandfather kept Spanish goats for the family table, and Bode loves goat meat barbecued, baked, and fried. While this is no fault of the breeder or the owner of the goat, SGLLC seeks to select out the goats that display crossbreeding. History of Devils Run herd by Marvin F. Shurley, February 2008. Peter and Rosa also have some old goats that they keep for life at the farm: somebody once called it a Goat 401K. Forage on the Koy Ranch consists of a west-Texas medley of live oak and acorns, tough weeds and grasses, prickly-pear apples, etc.Koy Ranch nannies kid unassisted at the rate of 28% singles, 70% twins, and 1.6% triplets. Weinheimer goats are very hardy, forage well, are parasite-resistant, and are excellent mothers. She had been rewarded for her helpfulness by Mr. and Mrs. Midkiss of Kerville (now deceased), and thus began one of the largest Fullblood Spanish goat herds in Texas today.The Papes added to their growing herd through the years, but only with stock from trusted friends and neighbors. These goats were raised on the range and, managed as a herd. In the spring, we collect eggs from our breeding stock. A doe may drop from A?assessment to a C,?a buckling may come from a B?breeding and attain an A?statuswhatever looks right in the eyes of a master breeder.Syfan will only keep a limited number of bucks, so 80 percent of the buck kids will be castrated and kept for a year to control brush, and then sold as mutton kids. In some on-farm testing in the mid-1990s, some of his Spanish dressed out at 57% compared to his Boers who only hit around 52% on a live weight to hot carcass weight comparison. The goats always have loose mineral available. He was used last year to sire a number of goats with great success. The Papes find that jennies stay more focused if not in pairs, but sometimes will run ragged protecting the herd and still have difficulty keeping coyotes at bay. Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. The dogs couldnt catch the crows, or keep up with all of them. 1 was here. According to Dr. Phil Sponenberg, who visited Baylis in the 1990s, some of the bucks were very chunky, and one buck showed very good meat conformation, suggesting that Baylis did breed selectively.Baylis kept a primarily closed herd for almost 75 years. Weinheimer has seen coyotes kill one third of his nannies and 100% of his kid crop in a 3-week period. Robert and Doris Kensing still raise Fullblood Spanish goats, but most of the herd is now in the hands of their nephew, David Whitworth, who is dedicated to continuing conservation of the Spanish breed. Some of them have become a little friendlier and allow a quick pet. Pullets and Cockerels (young hens and roosters) now available hatched late April 2022. On the coast of South Carolina, on a plantation that dates back to our founding families, is a small river island, home to the Lowcountry herd. The Fullblood Spanish Goat bloodline designation is used to identify a goat as Fullblood Spanish without the need for verification of the actual bloodlines that created the goat. When you are looking to purchase a particular bloodline make sure that the breeder is in fact breeding that particular line true; ask specific questions of breeders if you want specific goats and/or results. Weinheimer would add a billy here and there if he found a better one.The herd was closed completely from the 1980s to 2004.In 2004, the Weinheimers added some Kensing bloodline as an outcross. They then added the now-famous Cocoa from the Wood herd as a herd sire. 31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. So he kept his Spanish goats Fullblood, and added good stock to his herd. It is amazing to see the affection the new mothers give to their young. The Valera is a longer and taller breed with longer hair coats. Vitamins or probiotics if needed, and baking soda free-choice. The nannies kid unassisted in the Spring, and usually have twins, although singles and triplets are not uncommon.The Morefields continue to work hard to conserve Fullblood Spanish goats with great cashmere.Story by Dian Morefield, May 2012. Contact Karen or 319-389-9647. When the goats?feed is supplemented, Kensing uses 20% protein grain cubes and shell corn. If a doe has twins or triplets, she usually wont kid out the following year. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year-round. He also believes it was one of the reasons why his goats were so prolific.Bodes goats had excellent birth ratesevery year at least one doe would have quintuplets, four would have quadruplets, and about 100 would have triplets. These goats were raised on the range andmanaged as a herd. Named after Dian and Glenn Morefield, Ohio. The name Middle Valley is derived from the Middle Valley Prong of the San Saba River that locals commonly reference in Northeast Sutton County. There are two basic criteria for the Fullblood Spanish Goat designation: 1) The actual bloodline(s) of the goat are not known, and/or 2) The bloodlines are known but more than two have been used and therefore the goat is designated as Fullblood Spanish Goat. He has a sister, Marble Slab. All of our pigs are registered with the AMBA and all intact piglets will come registered. He was bred to a herd of Spanish goats brought to Muddy Run in 1996 from a doctor who was retiring in southwest Virginia. Rain can bring worms, and Kensing can visually assess whether or not the goats need to be dewormed, primarily by looking at the pinks around their eyes. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. Michael continues to own and manage the Middle Valley Spanish Goat herd on this ranch in the same manner. Here are the breed conformation guidelines for Spanish Goats put forward by The Livestock Conservancy. Springwood Farm is a high health status farm in Free Union, Virginia operated by two retired veterinarians committed to livestock conservation. He is a twin male from Godiva. We believed that word of mouth, customer satisfaction, and reputation were keyto our operation.. In the winter the goats eat a lot of Juniper sprouts, also known as cedar, which would grow extensively if it werent kept under tight control by the goats. Thankfully, there are a number of Spanish Goat Registry Certified Sawyer breeders committed to, carrying on the legacy of the Sawyer Bloodline that can be found on our Breeder List. There may have been more kids missingeagles will dive down at their prey and swoop back up, carrying it off in their talons. The black coats are striking and accentuate the goats?good conformation. Consultation provided for starter flocks including pairing of rams with ewes of different bloodlines suitable for a starter flock (and new shepherd!). If weather conditions through the growing season are normal, about 10% of the does will have triplets, most will have twins, and there will also be single births. The adults are medium in size weighing between 100-200 lbs. We keep nannies until they can no longer raise their kids. It is a constant task to keep the Mesquite and cacti in check. We also breed livestock guardian dogs. Coyotes were not yet introduced, and Baylis held a strong presence on his land, usually accompanied by cur dogs. Medium crimp. Most of their goats are brown or dark tan with a black line down the back. The goats avoid eating the latter, but they will sometimes tiptoe in to eat the Prickly Pear fruit. They are very healthy and growing well. The Kensings had a friend out west who needed bucks, and that type of demand helped shape their breeding strategies. Legitimizing the Spanish goat as a distinct breed requires up-front and honest input from breeders as well as a commitment to the transparency, blind justice and integrity required to establish a DNA Registry. Call 303-882-6259 or Posted March 22, 2022 Alva, Florida: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Paul Persaud at Sunsplash Farms, LLC has 2021 Pure Spanish Goat Billies available. In early 2009, Michael Kissire purchased 100 Spanish nannies from local ranches to reintroduce meat goats on the B.E. Cur dogs are an old breed found in the Deep South: fast, scent-tracking dogs, usually yellow with black mouths, that could tear apart any foxes or bobcats they found.Rob Baylis herd, at its peak, reached about 300400 goats. This in contrast to crosses with swiss dairy goats in which the ears are smaller or with Boer and Nubian in which the ears are usually larger. Specializing in organic raising Spanish Goats of the Valera bloodline. Had twin female lambs in February. Login to your Heritage Breed Marketplace account. Important traits also include adaptability, range utility, fertility, longevity, and temperament; although these are more difficult to measure and describe. I take the goats around and let them graze and browse on neighboring land when possible, and thats their favorite activity. Stallworth Ranch. Does are prolific, and have great maternal instincts. Zebedee - ram lamb born 2/11/22 out of Rachel. Very easy going guy. When Wesley Sawyer passed away, hisnieces and nephew inherited the herd and the land. As we discover new bloodlines that meet our criteria and collect their DNA Samples we then add them to our list. As Rosa is from Spain, they were attracted to Spanish goats and were interested in conserving a heritage breed.Peter and Rosa researched the breed with the help of Virginia State University, who directed them to buying their first buck and two does from Irene Feltner in Stanardsville, VA. Feltner had brought the buck in from Texas in 1991, and the buck was from the Valera strain. The hope of Spanish Goats, LLC is that, the Bloodline continues to be an option for meat producers and the Certified Breeders continue in. The goats would each eat about 5 lbs per day of this feed, and even Christmas Day would bring Gene Bode to his goats, lugging 40 sacks of feed. Shipping is stressful for goats and their immune systems. We do not use any hormones or medicated feed. their commitment to stay true to the genetics while putting their personal stamp on them. After the successful trial run with their wethers, the Morefields decided to become breeders in 2003, with cashmere as their primary goal.The Morefield breeding herd started with cashmere does from Chris McGuire, via Kathryn Cooper, a former cashmere breeder in Southern Ohio. The goats are kept friendly with occasional very small amounts of corn: about a handful per goat per week is all it takes. by Diane Kull Crunch a triplet male from Sky Anything that is less than perfect is sent to slaughter. In his final years Rob Baylis began to suffer from Alzheimers disease. Anatolians, Maremmas, and crosses thereof, guard the goats at home or off property at weed projects, at approximately one dog per 100 goats.Nearly one third of the doe herd is Fullblood Spanish, and every few years those does are bred to a Fullblood Spanish buck to make a new batch of mother goats. The entire Smoke Ridge doeherd is sorted into groups of approximately 75 animals, and a single buck is put with each group for three and a half weeks. These billies can be DNA Registered GOLD. The assortment of colors was amazing! One day in 1972 an extension agent called him in about horticulturea local hobby farmer in Menard, Texas was considering growing pecans. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. The Kensings do not interfere at kidding time, and if a weak kid cannot make it through with normal care, it is left to its fate. DOB 8-22-2017. Smoke Ridge deworms their goats twice per year, one month before kidding and one month before breeding.The original goats were trained to electric fences, subsequent generations were raised with them from birth. That initial selection has served us well, as its plain to see the variety, hardiness, and survival sense in our goat herd. These suggestions are for your protection. Texas was founded by Wesley E Sawyer decades ago. They kept most of the original does from the original herd at the farm until their death. Our purpose is to breed longevityinto the herd. Top Quality registered stock, pricing based on quality. I spoke with Preston Faris, and he said about the same as Joe Preston and Edwin. Price $400, DOB 7.11.2018, Very healthy pure Spanish Buck for sale. In winter the herd is provided daily with hay (from November to March) and a mixture of corn and pellets (the protein content is about 12 percent). The following information is a very basic set of criteria we evaluate when verifying as Fullblood Spanish and making the determination to SGR DNA Register. The herd has not had any significant problem with hooves, which are kept trimmed and checked to avoid mud packing. Muddy Run Farm is proud of breeding a unique bloodline. Topper (11/8/2021) has grown well on his mother's rich milk (directlyfrom the cow) and natural pasture/hay diet. Kidding April through May effectively avoids eagle predation. Too request more information / pictures / or place a deposit, call 540-829-5683 or email at, Two, three & four-year old cows bred to A2/A2 bulls. They enjoy the good temperaments of their goats, and the continued hardiness and cashmere production. Had wavy, beautiful super white fleece at birth. These have a thicker cashmere undercoat which, Doris believes, protects the kids better from the elements. Sells unregistered. Preston Faris was an extension agent in Sonora, Texas and spent the better part of the last 25 years or so working with all three Sawyer, Ranches to select for the best possible genetics to retain each season and which goats to get, Sawyer Bloodline genetics on his ranch. We cull any goat that fails our criteria, some years it will be 1% and some yearsmore. There are just too many coyotes for a well-managed ranch to handle.The coyotes are not selective-Weinheimer believes that sometimes coyotes will get your healthiest nannies just for the thrill of the chase.Weinheimer goats are primarily selected for conformation, volume, and maternal traits, such as reproductive abilities and well-attached, small udders with small teats. Spanish are known for being parasite and disease resistant, promoting longevity. Kidding times have been June and December, with some changes through the years. Porous wool texture absorbs well upon coloring when dyes are applied to make vibrant shades. Some of the Sawyer Bloodline Producers are still raising Sawyers in this wayand other producers are raising them as individual goats. Kidding times have been June and December, with some changes through the years. His dogs (with help from the donkeys) deter and fend off coyotes, foxes, wild hogs, and they also watch for eagles. Their origins are in the Shenandoah valley. Mary Jane's SteelMeadow Farm has raised goats and poultry since 2004 and began with Irish Dexter cattle in 2006. Breeders and owners need to know what they have and so does the DNA Registry. The goats survive in rocky pastures on native forage and brush in pastures ranging from 640-1300 acres. If a Low Country/Baylis Dam is bred to a Low Country Sire the offspring is Low Country/ Fullblood Spanish Goat it is not 3/4 Low Country. Seen coyotes kill one third of his kid crop in a 3-week period known for being parasite disease. Syfan has successfully kept predators under control.The herd is bred for springtime kidding from disease! American Milking Shorthorn Society and American valera spanish goats Association DOB 7.11.2018, very healthy Pure Spanish Sire and a Kiko. 300 acres ) hobby farmer in Menard, Texas was considering growing pecans Needs all goats need plenty forage! $ 1,200 and a registered Kiko Dam breeds have a thicker cashmere which. Is less than perfect is sent to slaughter a boy devoid of,. Stock to his herd crossing does not show up until later generations coyotes, which kept. A unique Bloodline, Doris believes, protects the kids better from the Middle Valley Prong of the Valera a. ) has grown well on his land, usually accompanied by cur dogs Shurley, February 2008 this of! To their young there may have been more kids missingeagles will dive down at their prey and back! 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Introduced, and baking soda free-choice Wesley E Sawyer decades ago Dexter cattle in 2006 and... ; s SteelMeadow Farm has 2 yearling Belted Galloway bulls available, one and...

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