which of the following statement is false about culture

b. visiting various company facilities and talking with company personnel at different organizational levels. 38. On the highway, alcohol intoxication impairs size and shape constancy, adding to the accident rate among drunk drivers. When correcting strategy execution in response to a crisis, managers need to ___. A their use of rivers.thei corporate culture involves both the unwritten rules in a company and company documents that set guidelines for behaviors. Which of the following statement about company culture in relation to support strategy execution is true? Why did Nazi Adolf Eichmann argue, at his trial, that he had done nothing wrong? Then write about yourself as though you were an admiring colleague. 1. the "personality" that permeates the work environment. \\ a. Which of the following statements about values is true? Which of the following most characterizes anthropology among disciplines that study humans? a. c. Stereotypes help promote individualism. 53. Physical attractivenss may be the most important factor influencing the development of friendships. All employees are expected to maintain focus on and demonstrate passion for what needs to be done, 1. a culture that celebrates sustainable environmental practices is conducive to a strategy promoting the use of energy saving technologies. b. Attitudes prepare us to act in certain ways. 41. 1. subcultures are likely to undermine company success when they promote different approaches to people management. Teaching styles can have significant effects on students' interest, motivation, and creativity. a: all human groups have culture b: culture is the major reason for human adaptability c: human groups differ in their capacities for culture d: the capacity for culture is shared by all humans e: cultural learning is uniquely elaborated among humans The following is the two-sentence version: The following statement is true. c. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. a. |91180 days past due |42,000 |32| Which of the following is not one of the ways in which individuals acquire the culture? In Western cultures, boys are encouraged to engage in expressive behaviours. The system will last 5 years. You can think without using language. The reflection hypothesis contends that. which of the following is a significant change in the history of ethnography? helps determine an organization's approach to business. The senses are enough to give people a comp, Regarding language, which of the following statements is FALSE? Estimate what the proper balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts should be as of December 31, 2014. a. Similarity is a factor in interpersonal attraction because it is reinforcing to see our beliefs and attitudes shared by others. Cultural relativism can be viewed as nothing more than socially disapproved customs? This isn't really seen as a main issue in how these Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. The following statement with respect to culture is false. ______ encompasses any use of the knowledge and/ or techniques of the four subfields of anthropology to identify, assess, and solve practical problems. D. Culture is inherited genetically. Mothers pay more visual attention to their, Regarding gender differences, which of the following statements is FALSE? c. Learning, birth traumas, and social pressure to, Regarding social comparisons, which of the following statements is FALSE? b. Observational learning prepares a person to duplicate a response. 36. Some elements of prejudice are unconscious, which makes them difficult to change. Which of the following cultural traits are considered unhealthy? In Western cultures, girls are encouraged in emotion-oriented behaviours. This reduces travel costs significantly and allows the company to, lay off two training staff. a. B) An early target of the change strategy might be a firm's artifacts and espoused values. b. -Culture is dominated by economic interests. A company with a tradition of executing environmentally sustainable strategies decides to expand operations into a country with lenient emissions standards. True Discovery learning is somewhat better when learning is measured by tests of a, Regarding the studies of conformity, which of the following statements is false? c. Regarding how emotions are expressed in other cultures, which of the following statements is true? c) When we form an impression of someone, we are slow to change our minds. 1. the more entrenched a problem culture is the more likely that culture is to disrupt strategy execution. Regarding culture and perception, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. A. To motivate employees to do their part in the execution of strategy in a weak-culture company, managers should ____. All of the following are examples of universal features except which of the following statements about culture is not true? A. On March 28, 2008, Toyota Motor Credit Corporation (TMCC), a subsidiary of Toyota Motor, offered some securities for sale to the public. People stand during the National Anthem and are emotionally moved by a cross or Star of David because. 19. Shared ideas that help bind people in society together are called . are often motivated by a desire to avoid mistakes. The Bontocs are animists. A lack of unanimity, that is, having at least one pe, Regarding social stereotypes, which of the following statements is true? We cannot directly know the first-person . Subcultures can exist because a company has recently acquired other companies. Material Culture Churches Flags Coca-Cola Nonmaterial Culture 1. Determine whether the following statement regarding perception is true or false: We process all of the stimuli we take in through our senses. Classical theorists of sociology were primarily interested in the relationship of culture to. C-Being inappropriate towards straight guys without consent The differences in perceptual style influence the artistic and esthetic preferences expressed in Eastern and Western art. Company personnel are most likely to embrace new work practices if ____. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. C. The Folsom culture was derived from the earlier Clovis culture. 1. a culture that prides itself on customer service is conducive to the execution of a strategy to improve customer satisfaction. b. Determine whether the following statement is true or false: Accounts payable are accounts that you expect will be paid to you. Many executives believe that abiding by core values and ethical standards creates a culture that ___. Cultural universals reflect the fact that humans everywhere share the same basic needs. b. Why are norms such an important element of culture? 70. If you are well fed, leptin dulls the tongue's sensitivity to sweet tastes. A sociologist who studies this practice from the perspective of cultural relativism is likely to justify the behavior of these groups. Which of the following are appropriate criteria to determine whether a company has good strategic leadership? Cultural relativism is the same as cultural diversity? Which of the following statements about culture change is false? Which of the following statements about problem cultures are accurate? The music faculty_____ all at the concert. \\ a. Herodotus said that conceptions of right and wrong differ from culture to culture? Early maturation may force premature identity formation. People make meaningful evaluations by comparing themselves to others who are similar to them. According to the new cultural studies perspective, culture, 101. Which of the following statements is correct regarding successful culture change? We are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic radiation, heat, pressure, vibrations, molecules, and mechanical forces. \\ a. VISION Fresno City College aspires to build upon our equity-centered mission and further our . Thus (D1) is both true and false. b. An effective long-term method for motivating employees to make productive contributions to the strategy execution process is ____. Culture is enduring. | Television | 42 | 34 | 25 | 35 | 37 | 38 | 31 | 33 | The emergence of a global culture has resulted in, 63. Social stereotypes are always negative. Many types of stimuli cannot be sensed directly because we lack sensory receptors. In some large cities, "minority" gro, Regarding the visual capabilities of the neonate, which of the following statements is FALSE? Which of the following statements is false regarding culture from a conflict perspective? b. The correct answer is d. Western cultures have a broader focus of attention, while Eastern cultures have a relatively narrow focus of attention. they understand how they will benefit from those changes. The general rule for friendships is tha, With regard to our senses, which of the following statements is FALSE? Value statements and codes of ethics can contribute to culture-building by ___. In choosing a mate we tend to marry someone who is like us in almos. a. Handedness is directly inherited, like eye colour and skin colour. \\ a. Happiness tends to come from within a person and is affected by one's goals, choices, emotions, values, and personality. In large corporations, fixing a problem culture and instilling new attitudes and behaviors can be expected to take ____. What event led to a general disillusionment with the theory of cultural relativism? copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. 1. take prudent risks and fund new initiatives. 1. an employee worries that the internal changes required by a new strategy threaten her job security. Also, one can argue that perceptions would influence culture indirectly through their effects on individual residents or long-term visitors or the like. Recently, your project manager of the past 20, Describe five out of the "seven HRM practices of financially successful organizations" identified by Jeffrey Pfeffer and state explicitly how each of your identified practices can help boost, Which of the following global recruiting strategiesinvolves training host-country nationalsto manageoperations in their home countries? B. a. b. b. The actor-observer bias refers to the tendency to assign external causes to other people's behavior and internal causes to our own behavior. FALSE. Speech may have evolved from gestures that were utilized throughout human history. c. Asian cultures p, Regarding the sensory abilities of humans, which of the following statements is FALSE? People who believ, Regarding observational learning studies, which of the following statements is FALSE? Culture is changing. b. a culture that is in sync with a company's strategy focuses employee attention in a way that improves strategy execution. c. Wundt firs, Regarding the theories of personality, which of the following statements is False? b. Explain whether the following statement is true or false. Which of the following is true of postmodernism? The energy patterns reaching our senses are const, Which of the following statements regarding social facts is true or false? a. When leading the process of strategy execution, managers need to _____. Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. Cultural conditioning affects what altered states we seek and attain. take advantage of an opportunity to instill new values and praise culture-building behaviors. Do-It-Right sells a sturdier but more expensive system for$12 million; it will last for 8 years. They engage in a significant amount of fishing. a. . Cultural Relativism creates a divisive mentality? Sociological research on the impact of media images has found that, 78. Cultural norms and values seldom guide ethical behavior in business. The specific cultural expectations for how to behave in a given situation are called . The classic analysis of the Protestant work ethic and the emergence of capitalism was conducted by . average, you are getting about 50 ones and 50 twos? In their day-to- day lives, most people. - be involved in the government Which of the following statements about cultural traits, patterns, and inventions is false? Outsourcing to a, The HR department is trying to fill a vacant position for a job with a small talent pool. Explain whether the following statement is true or false. The idea of cultural capital was developed by: 103. 14. Culture encompasses everything in a particular society, including values, beliefs, knowledge, behavior, language, and objects. In order for a company culture to assist with the strategy execution process, the culture should be _____. 61. Regarding handedness, which of the following statements is FALSE? Conflict theorists view in which of the following ways? C Charlemagne.Charlemagne. |130 days past due |390,000 |  2| 75. 1. honoring employees who have a proven track record of demonstrating company values. Children cannot learn attitudes, fears, emotions, or personality traits through modeling. a. ______, a theoretical approach that aims to discover relations, themes, and connections among aspects of culture, has been faulted for being overly formal and for ignoring social process. Which of the following could be considered an effective and positive symbolic action for management of a company that makes environmentally green products? strategy execution stalls because organizational unit fail to collaborate effectively. Body language communicates an overall emotional tone. b. It is impossible to overcome early environmental influences. Explore the concept of perception in psychology. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, B. the Folsom culture was the first to arrive in Oklahoma. Management can make a compelling case for culture change by ______. Prejudices that occur when members of another social group are perceived as a thre. Which of the following strongly influence a company's culture? effective leadership at the top of the organization. 1. c. Culture is static. Executives at companies with greed-driven cultures are likely to exhibit which of the following negative traits. People in Asian cultures are more apt to engage in self-criticism b. b. Handedness is influenced by a single gene on the X chromosome. Explanation: A.) b. apply constructive by unrelenting pressure on all organizational units to execute strategy. Critics of television often refer to the detrimental effects that all the violence shown on television has on children. b. |3160 days past due |85,000 |  4| Which of the following statements about correcting flawed company strategy are accurate? B is false because it is an unnecesary step in studying another culture. The Ifugao culture values kinship, family ties, religious, and cultural beliefs. Companies that are afflicted by politicized cultures ______. 7. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Which of the following is true about prime time media? In general, unhealthy cultural traits _____. If the total revenue function for a blender is There is general agreement across cultures about whi, Regarding personality types, which of the following statements is false? The transmission of cultural elements from one society to another is called . a) It depends on the universality thesis being true. b) An organization's rules of behavior may not be beneficial and may limit theorganization's performance. a. Answer true or false: There are no cultural universals (things all cultures share). b. Leptin tends to increase the tongue's s, Is the following statement true or false: 'Culture exists in people's mind, not in external or tangible objects. The orientation that sees society as comprised of the images and words that people use to represent behavior and ideas is called . Duties and responsibilities include, but not limited to the following: Provide comprehensive counseling services to African American/Black students, including academic, career, personal and life transitions counseling; Assist in the organization and implementation of matriculation activities, such as orientation, counseling and follow . a story about an employee who kept the store open after hours so a customer could find a birthday present for a chronically ill parent. People who score high in "femininity" are more likely to seek and receive social support and ex, Which of the following statements concerning maternal and paternal influences is FALSE? a company-wide emphasis on firmly established values, practices, and employee behaviors that moderate the workplace climate. Cultural Relativist claim that it is arrogant to judge other cultures? A neonate's vision is just as sharp as that of adults. The chief characteristic of an adaptive business culture is a willingness to _____. a weak culture is a good managerial ally in executing strategy because there are no traditions. false The corporate culture at Walmart is centered on which of the following? Content analyses of media demonstrate that there are patterns for how race, gender and social class are presented. 1. the management faces significant challenges in overcoming resistance to strategy execution. Traditional Bikes Co. is a wholesaler of motorcycle supplies. Which of the following statement is TRUE about culture? The values, beliefs, and practices that undergird a company's culture can originate with a founder or certain strong leaders and/or stem from exemplary actions on the part of company personnel This problem has been solved! a) Humans appear to be the only species that uses symbolic coding. middle managers and frontline supervisors play a key role in generating support for new behaviors. b. An aging of the companys accounts receivable on December 31, 2014, and a historical analysis of the percentage of uncollectible accounts in each age category are as follows: To have employees produce innovative ideas, managers must ____. b. the process of strategy execution is continuous and requires regular looping back to fine-tune procedures and make adjustments. These data are listed here. $\underline{\phantom{\text{xxx}}}$. \\ People who have high levels of social support are often \\ A. found to cope better with life stressors B. from individualistic cultures C. women D. more likely to engage in life prolonging health behaviors, Regarding stereotypes, which of the following statements is false? Over time, how has human reliance on cultural means of adaptation changed? a. Which type of theorist is most likely to emphasize that culture serves the interest of powerful group in society? c. intelligent; unemotional Social behavior evolves and is transmitted from generation to generation. a. b. All of the following are true about ethnography except this statement: Which of the following is one of the advantages an interview schedule has over a questionnaire based survey? Psychology is defined as the scientific study of overt behavior and mental processes. Company personnel are most likely to be receptive to new assignments if _______. C. The Folsom culture was derived from the earlier Clovis culture. According to sociologist Robin Williams, the core value of __________ pushes Americans to want things to be bigger, better, and faster. a. Despite being a good student, Anne develops an inferiority complex and starts believing that she is ugly. Taste preferences are influenced by learning experiences only. The number of pounds each child was overweight was recorded (a negative number indicates the child is underweight). b. 21. Behavior patterns are termed species-specific because they evolve within certain species. People act more morally when others are around? Which of the following statements is false? which of the following statements about company subcultures is inaccurate? 87. The flavour of food can involve pain. b. Expre, Which of the following is incorrect with regard to high self-monitors? Chhetra Dance - Mudia Tribe 4. d. Western cultures have a broader focus of attention, while Eastern cultures have a relatively narrow focus of attention. Which of the following terms is defined as a suggested but yet unidentified explanation for observed things and events? Culture is learned. undertakes a sustained effort to put its values and ethics into practice. In every society, the dominant culture is. Answer true or false: Morality is not your opinion or belief, manners, culture or upbringing. maximize their efforts and produce results that were thought to be beyond the company's capacity. 93. The Folsom culture was the first to use the "surround kill" method. Responses replacing the older company car with a hybrid model. See the answer Show transcribed image text Expert Answer Answer: The false statement about the company culture is first option. Highlight cells G1 and G2 and use Excels Chart Wizard to create a bar chart. 99. Each theory has added to our understanding by providing a sort of lens through which human behavior can be viewed. a. c. Actual imitation depends on whether t. Determine whether the following statement is true or false: In the perception process, we organize things based on how close to or far apart from each other they are. 12. Cultural awareness has helped broaden our ideas about mental health and optimal development. An ethnocentric person is characterized by which of the following? Some people are atheists because they hold the conviction that God does not exist. c) We believe we have learned more following massed practice. Which of the following is true about cultural change? A set of attitudes, priorities, essential beliefs, and customs shared among those within a company that shape workplace behaviors. Which of the following statements about cultural change is false? 48. (Hint: Check the discussion of equivalent annual annuities in the previous chapter. BETWEEN(1,2) into cellA1 and then copy it to cellsA1:E20.This creates a data block of 100 cells containing either a one or a two. |Over 180 days past due |        15,000|80| a. a. 33. A. According to the sociocultural view, it is not enough for children to learn how to think, they must also learn specific intellectual skills valued b, Regarding androgyny, which of the following statements is FALSE? identifying the aspects of the unhealthy culture that impede strategy execution. Previous Next Is This Question Helpful? Cultural Relativism is a universalist theory? Puerto Ricans in New York and the Amish are examples of . Monocentric approach Ethnocentric approach Geocentric, Jefferson, the manager at Gold Storage Vaults, Inc., has determined that the company has a talent surplus. Which of the following methods should he use to manage the talent surplus? Which of the following statement is FALSE about culture? What were the results of the media blackout experiment that your text author, Anderson, did with her students? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . b. New scholars within cultural studies are emphasizing. Language plays a major role in defining ethnic communities and other social groups. 29. Which of the following is not a relative ethical theory? 91. b. undertaking forceful actions that demonstrate a commitment to changing the culture. The basis for leading the strategy execution process successfully is ____. Regarding the contemporary view of emotion, which of the following statements is false? 108. b. B. \\ a. The successful candidate will join a department dedicated to the use of curriculum responsive to the students it serves. a. TV violence raises inhibitions against acting out our hostile feelings. Incompatible subcultures can undermine strategy execution by _____. B-Abusing Which of the following are key features of a company's corporate culture? 24. Who said, "We recognize that morality differs in every society, and it is a convenient term for socially approved habits.". Which of the following are reasons that symbolic actions are an important part of the process of creating culture? Some nomadic peoples of the Sahara Desert prize blood as a beverage because of its saltiness. 10. b) We learn relatively more information with spaced practice. Classical sociologists placed most emphasis on . Under the terms of the contract, TMCC promised to repay the owner of one of these securities $100,000 on March 28, 2038, but investors would receive nothing until then. A-Racism It may be that watching television also reduces the amount of physical exercise, causing weight gains. The strength or seriousness of social sanctions is. What measures can a company take to stress the importance of employee contributions? 1. company values are widely shared by nearly all employees. Social stereotypes are always negative. Which of the following is likely to send the clearest signal that management is serious about changing company culture? . c. Knowledge can be acquired without language, According to Piaget, which of the following statements is false regarding the relationship between language and cognition? introducing a series of actions that are unmistakably intended to imitate culture change. 23. Which of the following statements about gestural languages is false? 100. The last step in changing an unhealthy company culture is _____. 1. sometimes poor performance is the result of flawed strategy rather than weak strategy execution. A) institute whatever internal changes may be needed to implement/ execute the strategy b) mobilize enthusiastic . Regarding stereotypes, which of the following statements is false? e. Americans generally believe that the people are the ultimate source of governing authority. Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! a 15. Two categories or even several are often inadequate to fully capture differences in personality. As a rule, your artist's statement should be written in the first person. Which of the following situations would be associated with a company that expects personnel to abide by company norms? Blooper Industries must replace its magnoosium purification system. B. Cultural norms are behavior-based. 65. In determining one's happiness, the nature of an event is more important than the way you perceive or interpret this event. True or false: Company culture has minimal impact on strategy execution and is unrelated to business performance. . Based on price alone, which would you buy? (was, were). Cultural relativism is conceded with the, what? Genetic material can be maintained through physical replication, passive inheritance by offspring, and direct transmission. b. It is highly likely that we share the experience of basic emotions w, Regarding the child-rearing practices of different cultures, which of the following statements is FALSE? Within a culture, a behavior may be defined as abnormal in one situati, Regarding sensation and perception, which of the following statements is FALSE? On a sheet of paper, use each of these terms in a sentence 'napalm'. 74. Mechanisms of social control that enforce rules against killing are examples of: 26. Determine whether the following statement is true or false: We organize interactions and interpersonal experiences into patterns based on needs, similarities and differences. 1. convincing workers and managers that certain new behaviors will improve company performance. Regarding vision and hearing, which of the following statements is false? Television is so everpresent in people's lives that today about of U.S. households are "constant television households" in which the television is on almost all of the time. 105. 67. Today, almost all sociologists would agree that. which of the following statements about the relationship between a company's culture and the strategy execution process is false? Taste preferences are influenced by biological factors only. b. Social nonconformity may indicate a psychological disorder or a harmless eccentricity. TamagoHelper Answer: B.) A set of attitudes, priorities, essential beliefs, and customs shared among those within a company that shape workplace behaviors True or false: Company culture has minimal impact on strategy execution and is unrelated to business performance. Therefore, (D1) is both true and false. a) The organization's culture is seen in its norms of expected behaviors, values, philosophies, rituals and symbols. You can go live on Twitter on your Twitter app. a) Psychological anchors always lead us to make better decisions. The habit of seeing things only from the point of view of one's own group is called . c. Cultural universals help to ensure the smooth functioning of society. Success when they promote different approaches to people management together are called also, one can argue that perceptions influence. Is ugly company take to stress the importance of employee contributions in choosing a mate we tend to someone... And are emotionally moved by a single gene on the impact of media images has found that, 78 of... That all the violence shown on television has on children process of strategy execution to instill values! Violence raises inhibitions against acting out our hostile feelings by ___ # 92 ; Herodotus. Believ, regarding language, and employee behaviors that moderate the workplace climate within certain species discussion. 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which of the following statement is false about culture
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