sermon possessing your promised land

The instruction to Joshua was loud and clear, church Moses my servant is dead, arise get, (3) enter and possess the land that I have sworn to your fore-fathers! 16 Then they answered Joshua, "Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. the promise that God makes to us and to our children also. A place where no weapon formed against you will prosper. The magnificent animal had been an extraordinary gift presented to President Eisenhower and the American people from India in a ceremony at the White House on December 5, 1960. Jericho was an intimidating sight. Then, September 11 happened. God is not raising weaklings; He is raising giants. To possess your promised land, you need obedience to divine instructions. why you will notice in the course of these chapters, and let me encourage you to Several weeks ago I began a study in Joshuas conquest of Canaan, drawing lessons for our own advance into the place of abundant blessing in the presence of God! The man in the burning bush came to them in the promised land. So in this 2nd attempt, God told them to keep quiet. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. On the 7th day, He asked them to rise up very early and go round the city 6 times. In order for us to move forward, it is wisdom to consider the journey so far. The red sea was impossible to pass; behind them, the Egyptians were pursuing and in front there was a barrier. Joshua 1:1-9, Deuteronomy 1:1-9, Tags: What if I must battle someone before I can take ownership of this unexpected windfall? Now here is a question: How would your life change? If you want to see next level prepare spiritually. Summary: A challenge to possess all God has for us 1 2 3 4 Next Possessing The Promised Land Joshua 1:1-11 and 16 & 17 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses' assistant: 2 "Moses my servant is dead. God said to them I am going to give you the promised land. If your miracle will be heavy, you need patience. Deuteronomy 30:19 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC), 19I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live, THE SPIRITUAL MANS WALK There certainly must be a certain way born-again Christians live their lives. What if I get killed trying? have debated what that means for centuries. It is for this reason that I firmly believe that Joshua understood God's instruction to cross over. Prov. the end of chapter 21, for in many ways, these verses form a theological summary The Lords cry for the world is getting louder and louder. detail. When you are working with God, you have to learn the discipline of patience. As soon as they entered Gilgal, God knew there was an obstacle on their way that would put fear in them. THE LOYALTY OF THE [], Living with Conviction When a man is known to have no unsettled convictions of his own, he cant convict other people. []. As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation. fail. It was during my research on this matter, that Ive realized that it was humanly impossible to cross the Jordan when the Israelites did! these cities were opened and out would come these people who would be free, Now A place where you are seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers . Stop running from the enemy, face them. God was teaching them to be quiet until He was done with the battle. 2. Trading on Gods call to Moses would not do. You Isnt that For the glory of our wonderful Lord Jesus. God taking them to Gilgal was for a purpose. (Numbers 13:1-3 GW). Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : Sermons on series possessing your promised land: Sort By Scripture Rating 5 stars 4 stars or more 3 stars or more Any Rating Date Last Week Last Month Last 3 Months Last 6 Months Last Year Any Time Denominations Language Sermon Type Audience Popular Preaching Resources Holiday Sermon Series Kits Finally, the expansive project was completed, and a large, enthusiastic crowd gathered to witness Mohini being released into her lush new playground. Or maybe the river of a health issue, a broken relationship, a struggling marriage or financial difficulties are in full flood and raging in your life right now and even the thought of it is making you cringe right now. It talks about assessing our next phase of Glory, next phase of lifting. Because of their disobediencetheir lack of faith and trust in Godthe children of Israel had to wander through the wilderness for 40 years instead of entering into the Promised Land God had prepared for them. There are giants waiting in the promised land. The promised land has been prepared but it will only answer to those that are prepared for it. They had abundance. Caleb, one of the spies, said, Lets go now and take possession of the land. God commanded the children of Israel, that as soon as they were coming out of Jordan, they should pick 12 stones from the river of Jordan and put the 12 stones together and make a memorial. Things you face and wonder if you would be able to survive it, but by the hand of God, you survived it. The enemy you do not despise you cannot defeat. Not one of the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Every promised land requires a Commander. You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled. God wants you to act in faith, especially in the area of houses and lands, declaring His lordship over you and yours as you claim His promises for today and for your future. There are reasons why we need to Praise God: 1. Having trouble logging into your account? Remember, in your hand, its just a seed, but with God, its all you need! We are studying from the book of Joshua and learning from the experiences of the children of Israel. As soon as Jesus finished the spiritual journey of renewal, He was tempted by the devil. Yes, but God gives the victory in rather different ways. Thirty-one kings in chapter 12 are mentioned as trophies of Gods power! So we get ready, know the promise, and possess the promise by faith. only rest from external enemies, but internal rest: salvation for those who With this message, we close this series from Joshua, about possessing our Promised Land, moving into Gods provisions for your life. Oh, that we might learn and act upon this principle. God made sure that Joshua got the message for it is mentioned 4 times in verse 1-20. What more can he say that to you hath said E: [emailprotected] Are you taking your promised land, moving into a life that is filled with the The wall of Jericho was between 12 and 15 feet tall. go and enter it by faith because Hes told us to enter the land and do you Files. SUB-THEME: Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part 1 Life itself is a journey, and by redemption, God has ordained us for continuous progress. Every time we go into praise, God is set to do things. Learn to appreciate God with thanksgiving. Joshua 7:1-10. bosom else I die. Prov. The fact that the whole nation crossed over the Jordan, into their promised land was also an opportunity for Gods people, to show their faith and trust in God. marvelous? Over time, the imaginary space was worn bare of grass. Those years left them unprepared to accept Gods promise of a land that was beyond all imaginationone that was flowing with milk and honey.. Every time you return, your harvest begins! inspiration of god and its often in the details that the quality of Gods found in the land but in the Lord. We have made it through 11.5 months of this year, well done you, [yotuwp type="videos" id="R5Nfdc2DydY" ] THIS IS WAR Everyone of us are in a WAR whether we believe it or not. preach on. Jerusalem, not completely driven out of Israel, were to be a thorn in the side The LORD gave them The answer is: God gives the victory. people of God. Text: Joshua 9 am the One in whom you will find safety and security and promise an life and Joshua 6:3. deeply concerned when I hear testimonies of our young people going off the They observed the Passover and they ate Manna. though it were a small thing, as though it were a thing that every other He moved His people away from brutality that was very much a part of the world by putting into place a system allowing for justice. They have a special piece of gave His people land, God gave His people victory, and God gave His people rest. Even though they didnt trust God enough to receive His gift of the Promised Land, He continued to bless them on their wandering journeys, and they learned the lesson of giving generously to His work: Moses gave a commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman do any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. And the people were restrained from bringing, for the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be doneindeed too much. I Now they were again being offered the land that God had promised would be theirs. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Here We fail in battle because we are not God-conscious. And Joshua 3You will guard himandkeep him in perfectandconstant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You,andhopes confidently in You. we can summarize the message of these 9 chapters in three different words: God Because 3 I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. If you are in the USA, click here to donate using our mobile giving form. They werent prepared to accept this supernatural anointing for victory and property. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. in the first flush of their new found relationship with Jesus Christ find those How In order words, they were free, but were not settled. As Denomination: The children of Israel were at a disadvantage, they were moving on the ground while the opposition were on the wall watching them. He told them to pick some stones from Jordan to make a memorial of 12 stones so as to remember what He had done before. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Maybe you were chopping wood and as the book of Deuteronomy envisages it, They became complacent. believe in the plenary inspiration of Scripture. For a simple reason: to underline that God keeps His promises down to Why? It gives all this space as to who should live where, How did this take place? When your enemies come, do not fear them. Look at chapter 20. of Caleb and Joshua. They now had inheritance and possession. Victory (v.44b) So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him. 2023Bikers ChurchAll rights reserved, THE SPIRITUAL MANS WALK There certainly must be a certain way born-again Christians live their lives. So the easiest way to win the battle is to listen to the voice of the commander and obey the Commander. Joshua-Jesus, from which we can hide from the consequences of our past sins and All of them were leaders of the Israelites. I Promise! God Even the word is full of hope. through the atoning blood of our great high Priest that we find rest and refuge. God told Joshua that the Children of Israel should be circumcised. You're Preaching, But Do You Know Who's Listening? But before we get to that, God shows His omnipotence by making our enemies impotent. He is the I know that this is a controversial topic and I also know that if you only hear the buzz words and As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Even in the promised land, there is labour things cannot keep being free. The promise of becoming a great nation was first made to Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21), then confirmed to his son Isaac (Genesis 26:3) and his grandson Jacob (Genesis 28:13). 4:18. enemies stood before them. The first major city that they got to in their journey of possessing their promised land was Jericho. Outside of the USA, donate now in your local currency through our official PayPal page. The first was when they were about leaving Egypt Ex. Moses was a type of Jesus, Egypt was like the world system (Col. 1:13). That Gilgal is a place of preparation. 4. 6Be strong (confident) and of good courage, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 2. As with the children of Israel, the wealth transfer is waiting for you. Here, they ate of the corn of the land they were entering into; from that moment, manna seized. There is no scarcity of bread in the Promised Land, everything would be in abundance; a land flowing with milk and honey. 33:8,11 God gave them water and then manna. The third Passover was when they were about entering the promised land. inspiration can be seen. Ruth 1:22, Naomi returned that was repentance. Every time we go into praise, God is set to do things. (Child of God). Because they obeyed God the wall came down. Not one of their And as we enter into the early stages of this new year, I have such an over whelming sense in my heart that God is saying to many that it is time to forget about what happened in the past, yes do not even dwell or ponder upon the successes of the past, but ARISE, ENTER and POSSESS! Is it a trick to get me to do something I might not want to do? 23:7. TOPIC: Understanding the Wonders of Thanksgiving, 3B. After 40 years in the wilderness, the people were finally ready to take possession of the land that had been promised to them. This is the inspired word of God and it takes 9 chapters to give us this obedience to the command of God with respect of the occupation of the land led A place where you can keep sin underfoot as you rule and reign with Christ. them. And you will need to take it by Gods power for It is a place of revival. In each of these Passovers, God was changing their menu. The significance of the third Passover was moving from wandering to settlement. 28 views. is so concerned about little details. Heb. The Word tells us God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. God gave them an assurance that He would give them the land in fact a concluded deal. James 3:2-6. This transcribed message has been lightly edited and formatted for the Web site. Israel failed. Keep appearing until you take your inheritance. 8This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observeanddo according to all that is written in it. And tonight, you may be able to relate to this that you would so much want to enter into your promised land, but the raging river of doubt, fear, unbelieve, worry, anxiety and compromise is in full flood. Every next level attracts a new devil. As long as you obey and give generously toward the His work, He seeks to overwhelm you with His promises, His prosperity, and His prophetic wordespecially during this season when the greatest wealth transfer is poised to happen. It is a place of renewal, turnaround, it is a wheel. They trusted God and were obedient, and God blessed them. the last detail. First of all, I am asking for a fair hearing. Some people have a vision, but do not move. chapter 20 is a description of what is called the city of refuge. refuge, and they were strategically placed in various parts of the land. The Promised Land was described in terms of the territory from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates River (Exodus 23:31). 3. in 16, at the end, the Canaanites (Ephraimites) and most striking, in 17:17-18, And do not put God told them, if He had removed the obstacle of Jordan, He can break down the wall. SUB-THEME: Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part 1. God commanded the children of Israel to keep quiet. High Priest who had died. But as with the Israelites, many of us may be in a place where you are aware of your promised land you are well-informed, just as the Israelites were when Joshua and Caleb told them about the potential of the land, and so are you! It is neither your eloquence, connection, brilliance nor your skillfulness. excellent word. This was so they wont see the obstacles and feel they were in the wrong place. it Jesus who says, Come unto Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I victories will call upon us to labor with might and main. It is all of Gods power and all of our power. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Are you ready to move beyond where you are today? Yahweh "sets before" or "gives" these promises and threats to Israel. 6 Be strong (confident) and of good courage, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. them. Possibly, the people were mocking them, but they obeyed God to keep quiet. repent, thou knowest not how. " [the king of jerusalem] and his people were very much alarmed at this, because gibeon was an important city, like one of the royal cities; it was larger than ai, and all its men were good fighters. 1 Sam. Joshua 9:3-13, Tags: If this astonishing promise was made to you, would you welcome the promise with thankfulness or cringe from the surprising and unprecedented opportunity? I believe that one of the leading reasons for this monumental transfer of wealth is to finance the preaching of the Gospel and prophesied end-time harvest! Disciples: - Mark 16:15 Then he said to them, "You must go out to the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. The Lord handed all their enemies over to them. 3. They were headed for the Promised Land. Because The daily choice whether we will open the door of our life or ignoring His request to fellowship with us is ours to make! Is this a cruel joke? May 5, 2002, Joshua 13-21Marching as to War: Possessing the Promised Land, So 16 David was anointed, in 1 Sam. Approximately 500 years after the giving of the promise, Abrahams seed stand on the banks of Jordan waiting to go over and possess that which God had promised to them. Not too far from Gilgal was the obstacle to confront. They still had a fearful, distrustful, bondage mentality. The Lord gave all their enemies into their hand. to consequences that were to dog the people of God for centuries afterwards. to remain with them for a very long time, returning like a bad dream to haunt power and 10% of ours. Sermon Series contributed by Jason Pettibone, To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. To enter and possess the promised land Joshua never argued or debated with God, Church! Worse, what if its just a horrible exercise in futility with no real pot at the end of the rainbow?, This was the situation the Israelites had to face after they left Egypt. not put off the mortifying of that sin, for some time in the future when Its not 90% of Gods requiring great effort and great perseverance in order to overcome. people, let me say something to you. The points I wish to draw to your attention are these; Joshua had previously learned to recognise the voice of the Lord; for he had he worked closely with Moses. theres a beautiful text here, right at the end, which forms, in many ways, a 17, Goliath showed up. Office hours are from 08:30 13:30, Monday to Friday. You must appear at the wall of Jericho. Should there be questions regarding grammar or theological content, the reader should presume any website error to be with the webmaster/transcriber/editor rather than with the original speaker. How do I handle my enemies that are oppositions? regarded in some sense as an atonement for the crime, the blood that had been Before they went into the Promised Land, a tremendous event took place - God spoke to Joshua! 7 Be strong and very courageous. The power of God working is not an excuse for you not to work but an E: [emailprotected] Categories. Joshua 4:20. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Promised Land Lyrics. on What more can He say than to you He hath said, you who unto When you learn to endure, your miracle comes suddenly. Dont you love a promise, especially when you know that the promise maker is also a promise keeper? He was giving the tribes land to live in, except for one, and that one tribe was both Joshua and Caleb were each given a special inheritance, an allotment of Even the word is full of hope. Anytime God shows up is the right time. Text: Joshua 20 Brutality! He wants you to trust Him and believe that if He said it, He will do it! Oh what a joy that is to some of us, that God is concerned to number the Chapters 1-4 deal with the entrance into the Promised Land, Designed by. 3. When Crossing the Jordan at Flood-stage- Impossibility or Opportunity Now When it seems like nothing is working, keep doing it. Here, they must cultivate and nurture the seed, until harvest comes. Now Only may the LORD your God be with you as he was with Moses. His heart is yearning for the lost to be saved now! Isnt Then the Lord took care of their daily needs as He led them toward the Promised Land. Whatever you are not prepared for, Heaven cannot give you. About This Sermon. I am the One to whom you must run. the axe head comes flying off and hits someone and kills them. The LORD appeared to Abram and said, "To your offspring I will give this land." Pastor Ilya continued his message on possessing your promise land. own salvation with fear and with trembling, for it is God who works in you, both suspected of some crime, or unintentionally killed someone. ", Scriptures: Circumcision has to do with renewal, rededication, repentance; then the Passover. God wants to bless you beyond your wildest imagination with miracles for property and much, much more! Jericho was their first city so God told them to give Him the first fruit. In the journey from Egypt till they got to the promised land, they observed three Passovers, and each was significant. shed. stayed in that city until the death of the high priest. land. The wisdom of perseverance. Scripture is unimportant. Imagine being given a promise of a complete release from imprisonment, endless years of hard labor, and forced slavery to the cruelest of taskmasters. God brought them to a point wherein they could not go back. Joshua 5:10-11. Every promised land will always involve a fight. 3. Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part SUPERNATURAL TURNAROUND VIA SHILOH SACRIFICE. The angel came to Zechariah with good news, in order for John to come, God had to cover the mouth of Zechariah until the day of delivery. It is for this reason that I firmly believe that Joshua understood Gods instruction to cross over. As Paul writes to the Philippians and he says to them, Work out your Share Embed. details are important, you understand that. Gilgal is a place of renewal. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. And He Gave Them Joshua 1:1-6, 2 Corinthians 10:12-13, Deuteronomy 34:4 Joshua 18:3-4 God's Provision, Heres our word of hope- we arent exempt from the problems, but we have resources to carry us through! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In Joshua 5:1, when they heard about the acts of God in their midst, the Canaanites were afraid and their hearts melted. in chapters 14 and 19, while the Levites were not given a special inheritance, Picture Information. about the little cares that keep you awake at night. A place where no weapon formed against you will prosper. to the charge of occupying the land of Canaan. 00:00. And twice as much as the letters to Ephesians and Colossians combined. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Joel 2:21. 00:00. The children of Israel had just eleven days to enter the Promised Land, yet Moses kept encouraging them to go in and possess the land. If you fail to return after God has done it, it will never be your turn for another turnaround. Joshua 23:1-24:15, Tags: SUB-THEME: Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land, Part 2. to stand as a message to them: that their ultimate inheritance was not to be But after taking these steps there is still a possibility of failure. MESSAGE: Kenneth Copeland Devotional | 21st May 2022 Possess Your Promised Land God has given you a promised land. God read more, Scripture: In this foundational sermon by Joseph Prince, see from Scripture how having faith is simply about having a good opinion of the Lord, and discover how easily faith can be imparted to your heart for you to receive the healing . Prov. Your movement was not by your strength, there was an invisible hand that moved you. Or I Its Do a memorial. Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemy (Paperback o . come in and may go out no more. I This year we are going to possess our promise. in this world, there are at least three things to consider: First of all, God's. position on sin. Joshua 5:13-15. God will leave the enemy, but will take courage out of them. I thought of these consequences, I was reminded of a poem by John Bunyan, Are you willing to fight for God's promises? You want the whole thing to work. now, they may dog you for the rest of your Christian life. Every promised land has an obstacle waiting. intended to convey.. All they knew Last week, my wife and I rented a DVD that I would highly recommend to each of you by the title Remember the devil is waiting to steal away our promises. concerned about details. It was their mouth that prevented them from entering the promised land some 40 years earlier they said they were not able. The Priest would go in front and the children of Israel would follow. of the entire book of Joshua. remember that the people were so enraged that the people would have stoned them God is set to do things Then the Passover a land flowing with milk and honey excuse for not... At the end, which forms, in many ways, a 17, Goliath showed up keep.. Had appeared to Abram and said, `` to your offspring I will give land... Your wildest imagination with miracles for property and much, much more they obeyed God to keep quiet for! Burning sermon possessing your promised land came to them far from Gilgal was for a very long time, the Egyptians were pursuing in! 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